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Prop Info for Garry's Mod
Click here for the Workshop version

Highly customizable for both the client and the server.
Custom info entries can be made and pre-existing ones can be modified.
All clientside settings can be found in the spawnmenu options tab.

Server Convars

Convar Description Default
custom_propinfo_request_cooldown_default Sets the default serverside cooldown for CPI info requests. 0.3
custom_propinfo_welcome_message_enabled Whether or not new users will receive a welcome message on their first-ever join. 1
custom_propinfo_enabled_default Whether or not new users who've never used this addon before should have CPI enabled by default. Set to 0 if new users are easily bothered by large HUD changes. 1

Client Convars

Convar Description Default
custom_propinfo_enabled Enables CustomPropInfo. 1
custom_propinfo_directions Enables directional arrows for entities. Red for forward, green for right, blue for up. 0
custom_propinfo_directions_mode Changes display mode for the green line of directional arrows. 0 = 'right' direction, 1 = y-axis direction for local coordinates. 0
custom_propinfo_tool_only Makes CPI only display while you are actively holding the physgun or toolgun. 1
custom_propinfo_hide_seat Hide CPI while sitting in a seat. 1
custom_propinfo_round How many decimal points to round numbers to. 3
custom_propinfo_update_interval The time, in seconds, between each update for CPI. 0.5
custom_propinfo_outline Enables an outline for text readability. 0
custom_propinfo_directions_length The length of CPI directional arrows. 10
custom_propinfo_directions_length_end The back-facing length of CPI directional arrows. 3
custom_propinfo_background_value The brightness of the CPI display background. 40
custom_propinfo_background_alpha The opacity of the CPI display background. 80
custom_propinfo_text_alpha The opacity of the CPI display text. 255
custom_propinfo_pos_x X position of the leftmost corner of the CPI display, as a fraction of the screen. 0 is the left, 1 is the right. 0
custom_propinfo_pos_y Y position of the leftmost corner of the CPI display, as a fraction of the screen. 0 is the top, 1 is the bottom. 0.51
custom_propinfo_font_size Font size for the CPI display, in pixels. Determines overall display size. 21
custom_propinfo_min_width Minimum width of the CPI display background, scaled by the font size. 20
custom_propinfo_command_prefix The command prefix used for CPI chat commands. Cannot include whitespace characters. Max character length is 20. /pi


  • Colors:
    • All CPI colors can be found in CustomPropInfo.Colors, make sure to use them if you add or edit info entries.
    • CPI modifies nearly all of its colors dynamically when the client changes their background/text alpha settings, be cautious when using its colors for something other than info entries/commands.
      • It modifies the alpha directly without making a new color, so you could store the colors locally if you want, to avoid extra table lookups. However, it is still recommended to access the colors via table lookup anyway, as a custom script or addon could potentially override it with a new color object entirely.
    • CustomPropInfo.MakeOpaque( color ) and CustomPropInfo.MakeTransparent( color ) return a copy of a color with its alpha set to 255 and displayTextAlpha respectively.
    • Colors with a name starting with Solid will never have their alpha modified by displayTextAlpha
    • If you want to change the color palette or expand it with additional colors for your server, simply modify/add to the CustomPropInfo.Colors table on the client.
      • You could even add a config menu for the client to tweak the colors themselves if desired. CPI doesn't do that itself because it would quickly become cumbersome and bloat up the option panel.
    • All base-addon colors can be found in cl_entries.lua

Global Functions


  • CustomPropInfo.RegisterInfoEntry( name, func, settings )
    • Adds a new info type to the prop info list.
    • name - Name of info entry to add to the list.
    • func - A function( ent, oldResult, fromChat, ... ) that returns nil to not display the entry, or returns { LIST_OF_STRINGS, LIST_OF_COLORS, OPTIONAL_EXTRA_INFO }
      • oldResult - This will ALWAYS be nil for this function, as it is simply here to preserve the argument structure later created by CustomPropInfo.AlterInfoEntry()
      • fromChat - true if called from a chat command, false otherwise.
      • ... - Variable string arguments, only when called from a chat command. Unsurprisingly, allows for player-provided arguments in chat commands.
      • The resulting table given by func will automatically be wrapped into a special format, listed further below.
    • settings - A table containing the following parameters:
      • CallNames = TABLE - A list of strings which will be used to call the function via chat command for printing out to chat, taking the standard return format.
        • Only the first in the list will be displayed in the help command.
      • OptionText = STRING - A short string to attach to the toggle checkbox in the option menu for this entry, like a mini-description.
      • NoShow = BOOL - Never show on the HUD display, used for adding special CPI commands. This will also hide it from the entry toggle list.
      • DefaultEnable = BOOL - Should this entry be on by default?
      • BlockToggle = BOOL - Prevent the user from enabling/disabling this entry.
      • CanCallWithoutEnt = BOOL - Can the entry function be called without a valid entity? Only applies when called via chat command.
    • If func returns a table, it will be wrapped to match the following format:
      • Count = LIST_LENGTH
      • Strings = LIST_OF_STRINGS
      • Colors = LIST_OF_COLORS
      • ExtraInfo = OPTIONAL_EXTRA_INFO - Any type of data (preferably a string-indexed table for modularity) to pass along useful info for recursive calls in CustomPropInfo.AlterInfoEntry()
    • If func only returns one string (or some other non-nil, non-table value), it will get auto-converted to the table format and use the default text color, to make adding basic entries simpler.
    • Unless CanCallWithoutEnt is true, you do not need to check for IsValid( ent ), as prop info is only acquired on valid entities. This also means that it will never acquire info on the world.
  • CustomPropInfo.AlterInfoEntry( name, func )
    • Wraps a pre-existing info entry to append, remove, or otherwise modify its output.
    • Behaves similarly to CustomPropInfo.RegisterInfoEntry(), except the oldResult argument in func( ent, oldResult, fromChat, ... ) will be used, providing the result of the previous entry call.
      • oldResult is in the wrapped format described above. If the original result is nil, it'll be replaced with a formatted table with Count = 0.
    • This is capable of wrapping for several layers. If you want to forcefully cut out some pre-existing wraps, CustomPropInfo.Entries[INDEX].FuncOriginal gives the original, base-level function.
      • The index of an entry can be obtained with CustomPropInfo.EntryLookup[entryName]
      • Keep in mind that the base-level function always has its oldResult argument as nil, while all subsequent layers will have a proper table given to them.
      • If one of the older functions in the chain returns a result containing ExtraInfo, you can access it with oldResult.ExtraInfo
  • CustomPropInfo.AppendInfoEntry( name, func )
    • Uses CustomPropInfo.AlterInfoEntry() to append data to the end of the current entry result.
    • Preferred return format for func is nil OR { Count = LIST_LENGTH, Strings = LIST_OF_STRINGS, Colors = LIST_OF_COLORS }
    • Other accepted return formats:
      • STRING
  • CustomPropInfo.RequestServerInfo( ent, entryName, uniqueID, clCooldown )
    • Sends a request to the server to acquire some info that isn't readily available to the client realm.
    • For each entry, there could be multiple different special requests made, so each request should be given a uniqueID string to identify it between other requests.
    • On the server's end, use CustomPropInfo.RegisterRequestResponse() to create a response to the specific info request.
    • Will return whatever the most recently-received data was, which gets stored into a cache, or nil if nothing is currently cached.
    • Will return false if the server doesn't have this addon installed or if the request is invalid (with the second argument being the corresponding message fail message)
      • However, such a scenario can only occur with a hacked client or on servers with sv_allowcslua 1, as otherwise the client will never be able to use this addon on dedicated servers.
    • clCooldown - Applies an optional cooldown on the client's end, in case it's data that doesn't update often or is more intensive to request, reducing the amount of net messages.
      • Of course, this doesn't stop hacked clients from spamming the net message endlessly, so the server's end still has its own cooldown system.
  • CustomPropInfo.PlayerTrusts( owner, ply )
    • Does owner trust ply via CPPI? (Whatever happens to be the server's prop protection system)
    • Returns:
      • false - No.
      • 1 - Yes.
      • 2 - Yes, by technicality. owner == ply or ply is a superadmin.
  • CustomPropInfo.GetTrustColor( owner, trustState )
    • Returns blue if owner trusts by technicality, red/green for (not) trusting, choosing soft shades if owner == LocalPlayer()
    • trustState should be whatever gets returned by CustomPropInfo.PlayerTrusts( owner, ply )
  • CustomPropInfo.GetPropInfo( ent )
    • Runs all enabled entry functions on ent and stores it for rendering.
    • If you remove/override the CustomPropInfo_EntityCheck timer, this will let you select a different entity to inspect in case the player's eye trace isn't sufficient.
    • Useful for remote cameras and trace filtering.


  • CustomPropInfo.RegisterRequestResponse( entryName, uniqueID, func, svCooldown )
    • entryName - Name of info entry to respond to.
    • uniqueID - Unique string for a particular request the entry might make, as one entry could make multiple.
    • func - A function( ent, ply, entryName, uniqueID ) to analyze the request, returns { ANYTHING }, OPTIONAL_NEW_COOLDOWN
    • svCooldown - (optional) Cooldown to apply once request is analyzed, overriding custom_propinfo_request_cooldown_default
    • Unlike with clientside entry registering, this will completely override pre-existing functions that have the same entryName and uniqueID.
    • If the second return arg of func is a number OPTIONAL_NEW_COOLDOWN, then it will apply that cooldown instead of svCooldown or the global default cooldown.


Prop Info for Garry's Mod







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