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How to configure Argos

Eric edited this page Jun 6, 2017 · 4 revisions

General Configuration


This tool is based on Akka, if you want to configure the application logs, please look at the akka documentation. The argos specific configuration entry point is identified by the argos section that contains three main entries :

  • metrics : this section defines the JMX connectivity
  • sentinel : this section defines the configuration of each sentinel
  • notifiers : this section defines the configuration for each notification process (currently, there are only one type of notifier mail)

An additional parameter scheduler-interval is available to define the delay between two sentinel control :

Parameter Type Description
scheduler-interval Duration Duration between two Metrics validation (Default: 60 seconds)
cassandra-version Double the cassandra version x.y (ex: 2.1) (Default: 3.0)


The sentinels need some metrics provided by the JMX interface of the cassandra node, this section configures the JMX connection parameters.

Parameter Type Description
jmx-host String IP on which the instance of Cassandra binds the JMX server (Default:
jmx-port Integer Listening port of the JMX Server (Default: 7199)

Because the Metric Provider can send notification when the connection to the cassandra node is lost and reestablished, there are some optional configuration parameters.

Parameter Type Description
node-down-label String Level of the notification when the Cassandra node is unreachable (Default: CRITIC)
node-down-level String Label used into the notification title (Default: Cassandra node is DOWN)
node-up-label String Level of the notification when the Cassandra node comes back on line (Default: INFO)
node-up-level String Label used into the notification title (Default: Cassandra node is UP)


A sentinel is an actor that control a specific information provided by the JMX interface of the Cassandra server. If the information is considered as " wrong ", the sentinel will will send a notification message to the notifiers.

The sentinel name is defined by the children key of the argos.sentinel entry.

Some sentinels use a Buffer to keep track of the metrics. The threshold validation applies on all elements of the buffer and all of them have to exceed the configured value to throw a notification.

LoadAvg sentinel

This sentinel examines the Load Average.

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (Default: true)
threshold Float The maximum value authorized for the LoadAvg metrics (Default: 16.0)
level String Level of the notification (Default: CRITIC)
label String Label used into the notification title (Default: "Load Average")
window-size Integer the size of the buffer (default: 1)
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Dropped messages sentinel

These sentinels examine the number of dropped messages, if the number of dropped messages change between to controls a notification is triggered. There are one sentinel per type of Messages.

  • dropped-counter
  • dropped-mutation
  • dropped-read
  • dropped-read-repair
  • dropped-range-slice
  • dropped-request-response
  • dropped-page-range
Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: WARNING)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: the name of the sentinel)
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Consistency issue sentinel

These sentinels examine the number of ReadRepair tasks (Background & Blocking) and send a notification if the 1MinuteRate is different of 0.

There are two sentinels, one per ReadRepair type:

  • consistency-repaired-blocking
  • consistency-repaired-background
Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (Default: true)
threshold Integer The maximum value authorized (default : 0)
level String Level of the notification (default: INFO)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: the name of the sentinel)
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Connection Timeout sentinel

These sentinels examine the number of Connection Timeout and send a notification if the 1MinuteRate is different of 0.

  • connection-timeouts
Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: WARNING)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: "Connection Timeouts")
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Blocked tasks sentinel

These sentinels examines the number of blocked tasks and send a notification if the result is different of 0. There are one sentinel per type of ThreadPool.

  • blocked-stage-counter
  • blocked-stage-gossip
  • blocked-stage-internal
  • blocked-stage-memtable
  • blocked-stage-mutation
  • blocked-stage-read
  • blocked-stage-read-repair
  • blocked-stage-request-response
  • blocked-stage-compaction
Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: WARNING)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: the name of the sentinel)
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Pending tasks sentinel

These sentinels examines the number of pending tasks and send a notification if the result exceed the threshold. There are one sentinel per type of ThreadPool. Because having too many pending tasks may be not an issue, these sentinels cumulates the ThreadPool state in a queue and throws a notification only if all states present into the buffer exceed the limit.

  • pending-stage-counter
  • pending-stage-gossip
  • pending-stage-internal
  • pending-stage-memtable
  • pending-stage-mutation
  • pending-stage-read
  • pending-stage-read-repair
  • pending-stage-request-response
  • pending-stage-compaction
Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: INFO)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: the name of the sentinel)
window-size Integer the size of the buffer (default: 5)
threshold Integer The maximum value authorized (default : 25)
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Storage Exception

This sentinel examines the number of storage exceptions and send a notification if the result is different of 0

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: CRITIC)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: "Cassandra Storage Exception")
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Storage Hint

This sentinel examines the number of Hinted-Handoff and send a notification if this number increases between two controls.

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: WARNING)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: "Network partition")
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Storage Space

This sentinel examines the used space on each directory declared in the Cassandra.yml. If the available space is too low, a notification is triggered.

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: CRITIC)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: "Few Disk Space")
threshold Integer Percentage of available space required for the data directories (default: 50)
commitlog-threshold Integer Percentage of available space required for the commtilog directory (default: 5)
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

GC Inspector

This sentinel examines the duration of GC. If a GC duration is too long (bigger than the threshold), a notification is triggered.

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: WARNING)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: "GC Inspector - too long GC")
threshold Integer max duration (in ms) for a GC (default: 200 ms)
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

JMX notification

This sentinel send a notification if the JMX listener is informed about a ERROR or an ABORTED operation (like a repair)

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: INFO)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: "Progress Event")
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

Consitency Level

This sentinel send a notification if the declared ConsistencyLevel can't be reach for a TokenRange

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (Default: false)
level String Level of the notification (Default: CRITIC)
label String Label used into the notification title (Default: "Consitency Level")
keyspaces List List of Object to defined the expected ConsistencyLevel for a given keyspace
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)

The "keyspace" object has two attributes :

  • name : to identify the keyspace
  • cl : to define to expected ConsistencyLevel

Custom Sentinels

Because there are a lot of metrics available through the JMX interface, you can define your own sentinels thanks to the 'Custom sentinel'. To do that, you only have to create a section per sentinel into the 'argos.sentinel.custom-sentinels'. The configuration key of each Config will be used as Sentinel name. Here is an example :

custom-sentinels {
  mysentinel {
    enabled = true
    level= "WARNING"
    label= "Test label"
    objectName = "org.apache.cassandra.metrics:type=Cache,scope=KeyCache,name=HitRate"
    objectAttr = "Value"
Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the sentinel is activated (default: true)
level String Level of the notification (default: WARNING)
label String Label used into the notification title (default: the name of the sentinel)
objectName String name of the JMX Object
objectAttr String attribute name of the JMX Object that contains the metrics value
window-size Integer the size of the buffer (default: 1)
message String A custom message for the notification. This message will be prepended to the static message generated by argos. (default: None)
threshold Double The maximum value authorized (default : 0.0)
precision Double the precision used to test if two double values are equals. (default : 0.01)


Each sentinel may configure the 'period' between two notifications to avoid flooding the alert receiver. By default, the period between two alerts is set to 15 minutes (excepted for disk capacity, the period is 4 H)


A notifier is an object managing the notification message send by the Sentinels. Each notifier configuration must have the key providerClass specifying the implementation of the NotifierProvider trait. With this trait, the provider has to implement a props method that return the "Props" object used to create the Notifier actor.

Whatever the notifier implementation, there are two common configuration entries available to filter the notifications:

Parameter Type Description
white-list List[String] the notifier will manage notifications send by the sentinel present in this list
black-list List[String] the notifier will ignore notifications send by the sentinel present in this list

If these lists are empty, the filtering is disabled and all notification will be managed by the Notifier implementation. If both lists are filled, only the while list will be used.

Currently, there are only one notifier named mail.

Parameter Type Description
providerClass String the provider class io.argos.agent.notifiers.MailNotifierProvider
smtp-host String hostname of the SMTP service
smtp-port String port of the SMTP service
from String The email address specified into the from header
recipients List[String] list of recipients that will receive the notification

Local Mode

To configure your Argos instance in a local mode, you have to configure the Akka system with the local provider.

akka {
    actor {
        provider = local

The orchestrator and the gateway must be switched off.

argos {
    orchestrator {
        enable = false
    gateway {
        enable = false

Remote Mode

To configure your Argos instance in a local mode, you have to configure the Akka system with the remote provider specifying on which hostname and tcp port the process will bind and listen.

akka {
    actor {
        provider = remote
    remote {
        log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
        netty.tcp {
            hostname = "a.b.c.d"
            port = 9000

The orchestrator and the gateway must be switched on.

The orchestrator exposes two configuration attributes in order to specify the HTTP endpoint configuration :

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the orchestrator is activated
http-hostname String the hostname/IP address on which the HTTP Endpoint will be bounded
http-port Integer The HTTP port on which the process will listen

The gateway exposes two configuration attributes in order to specify the orchestrator contact point configuration :

Parameter Type Description
enabled Boolean Specify if the gateway is activated
orchestrator-hostname String the hostname/IP address of the orchestrator (orchestrator should be unique so this may be a remote IP - the one defined in the akka remote section)
orchestrator-port Integer The tcp port on which the orchestrator process is listen (the one defined in the akka remote section)
argos {
    orchestrator {
        enable = true
        http-hostname = "a.b.c.d"
        http-port = 8080
    gateway {
        enable = true
        http-hostname = "a.b.c.d"
        http-port = 9000


akka {
  loglevel = "INFO"
    actor {
      provider = remote
    remote {
      log-remote-lifecycle-events = off
      netty.tcp {
        hostname = "a.b.c.d"
        port = 9000

argos {
  scheduler-interval = 5 seconds
  cassandra-version = "2.1"

  metrics {
    jmx-host = ""
    jmx-port = 7100

  orchestrator {
      enable = true
      http-hostname = "a.b.c.d"
      http-port = 8080
  gateway {
    enable = true
    http-hostname = "a.b.c.d"
    http-port = 9000
  sentinel {
    load-avg {
      enabled= true
      threshold= 20.0
      level= "CRITIC"
      label= "Load Average"
    consitency-level {
      enabled= true
	  period = 5 minutes 
      level= "CRITIC"
      label= "Consitency Level"
      keyspaces= [
          name= "excelsior"
          cl= "quorum"
          name= "excelsior"
          cl= "local_one"
          name= "excelsior"
          cl= "all"
    consistency-repaired-blocking {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Blocking Read repairs"
    consistency-repaired-background {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Background Read repairs"
    connection-timeouts {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Connection Timeouts"
    dropped-counter {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Dropped Counter Mutation"
    dropped-mutation {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Dropped Mutation"
    dropped-read {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Dropped Read"
    dropped-read-repair {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Dropped ReadRepair"
    dropped-range-slice {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Dropped Range Slice"
    dropped-request-response {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Dropped Request Response"
    dropped-page-range {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Dropped Request Response"
    storage-space {
      enabled= true
      level= "CRITIC"
      label= "Few Disk Space"
      threshold= 50
      commitlog-threshold= 5
    storage-exception {
      enabled= true
      level= "CRITIC"
      label= "Cassandra Storage Exception"
    storage-hints {
      enabled= true
      level= "CRITIC"
      label= "Network partition"
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "GC too long"
      threshold= 200
    blocked-stage-counter {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage counter mutation"
    blocked-stage-gossip {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage gossip"
    blocked-stage-internal {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage Internal Response"
    blocked-stage-memtable {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage Memtable Write Flusher"
    blocked-stage-mutation {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage Mutation"
    blocked-stage-read {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage Read"
    blocked-stage-read-repair {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage ReadRepair"
    blocked-stage-request-response {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage Request Response"
    blocked-stage-compaction {
      enabled= true
      level= "WARNING"
      label= "Stage Compaction Executor"
    notification-jmx {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Progress Event"
    pending-stage-counter {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage counter mutation - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
    pending-stage-gossip {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage gossip - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
    pending-stage-internal {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage Internal Response - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
    pending-stage-memtable {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage Memtable Write Flusher - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
    pending-stage-mutation {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage Mutation - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
    pending-stage-read {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage Read - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
    pending-stage-read-repair {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage ReadRepair - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
    pending-stage-request-response {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage Request Response - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
    pending-stage-compaction {
      enabled= true
      level= "INFO"
      label= "Stage Compaction Executor - pending"
      threshold= 25
      window-size= 10
  notifiers {
    mail {
      providerClass = "io.argos.agent.notifiers.MailNotifierProvider"
      smtp-host= ""
      smtp-port= "25"
      from= "cassandra-agent@no-reply"
      recipients = ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"]
      //white-list= ["consitency-level", "notification-jmx"]
      //black-list= ["consitency-level", "notification-jmx"]