目标:本次比赛关注于多模态大模型在图片理解任务上的能力,核心任务是在给定的种子数据集的基础上,通过高效的数据合成方法与模型生成出更优的数据,并在给定计算量的约束下,实现对图像理解多模态大模型的高效训练,再一次探索“数据-模型”协同研发的优势。本次比赛基于 Mini-Gemini 模型进行训练,只关注于预训练(模态间对齐)阶段的数据合成与清洗,指令微调阶段为固定数据集。为了选手更高效地迭代数据合成方案,本次比赛选用 MGM-2B 规模的模型作为比赛模型。
MMBench contains over 3000 multiple-choice questions covering 20 different ability dimensions, such as object localization and social reasoning, for evaluating vision-language models. Each ability dimension encompasses over 125 questions, with the quantity of questions per ability maintained at a roughly equal level.
- 评估视觉语言模型在20个不同能力维度上的表现,例如物体定位、社交推理等。这要求数据具有多样性
- 每个能力维度下包含超过125个选择题,总计超过3000个问题,确保各维度的评估结果具有代表性。
TextVQA is a dataset to benchmark visual reasoning based on text in images. TextVQA requires models to read and reason about text in images to answer questions about them. Specifically, models need to incorporate a new modality of text present in the images and reason over it to answer TextVQA questions.
https://textvqa.org/dataset/:Note: Some of the images in OpenImages are rotated, please make sure to check the Rotation field in the Image IDs files for train and test.
- 评估模型读取并理解图像中文本信息的能力,要求模型能够正确地从图像中提取并利用文本信息来回答问题。
- 需要模型同时处理图像信息和文本信息,测试模型在整合和推理来自不同模态的信息时的表现。
- 特别注意部分图像在数据集(OpenImages)中的旋转问题,确保模型在训练和测试过程中正确处理图像方向。
详细方案 score MMBench TextVQA 随机采样200K 1.0119 0.9543 1.0696 -
算子名 场景 语言 描述 image_text_matching_filter Multimodal - 保留图像-文本的分类匹配分(基于BLIP模型)在指定范围内的样本 image_text_similarity_filter Multimodal - 保留图像-文本的特征余弦相似度(基于CLIP模型)在指定范围内的样本 详细方案 score MMBench TextVQA 使用clip筛选相似度最高的200K 1.9120 2.7190 1.1051 使用blip筛选ITM最高的200K 1.9089 2.7386 1.0791 使用clip排序后取前300K,再使用blip排序筛选200K,和实验三的区别在于数据的顺序会不一样,最后的得分阈值的数据也会有一点不一样 1.8263 2.5687 1.0840 使用clip和blip的归一化得分进行加权,筛选200K后随机打乱 1.8694 2.6602 1.0786 -
import json import torch from PIL import Image from tqdm import tqdm import open_clip import heapq device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") # 初始化模型和预处理函数 model, preprocess = open_clip.create_model_from_pretrained('hf-hub:apple/DFN5B-CLIP-ViT-H-14-384') model.to(device) model.eval() tokenizer = open_clip.get_tokenizer('ViT-H-14') def preprocess_image(image_path): image = Image.open(image_path) return preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device) def compute_similarity(image_tensor, text_token): text_token = text_token.to(device) with torch.no_grad(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast(): image_features = model.encode_image(image_tensor) text_features = model.encode_text(text_token) image_features /= image_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) text_features /= text_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True) similarity = image_features @ text_features.T return similarity.item() def process_and_filter_jsonl(input_jsonl_file_path, output_jsonl_file_path, output_with_similarity_jsonl_file_path, top_n=318555): heap = [] all_entries = [] # 逐行读取 JSONL 文件并计算相似度 with open(input_jsonl_file_path, 'r') as file: for line in tqdm(file, desc="Processing JSONL file"): entry = json.loads(line) # image_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1/" + entry.get("images", [])[0] image_path = entry.get("images", [])[0] text = entry.get("text", "") # if not image_paths: # continue # 提取文本中的有效部分 start = text.find("<__dj__image>") + len("<__dj__image>") end = text.find("<|__dj__eoc|>") if start == -1 or end == -1: continue cleaned_text = text[start:end].strip() # 处理每对图像和文本 # for image_path in image_paths: image_tensor = preprocess_image(image_path) text_token = tokenizer(cleaned_text) similarity = compute_similarity(image_tensor, text_token) # 保存所有条目以便后续筛选 all_entries.append({ "id": entry["id"], "image_path": image_path, "text": cleaned_text, "similarity": similarity }) # 使用 heapq 选择相似度最高的 top_n 条数据 top_entries = heapq.nlargest(top_n, all_entries, key=lambda x: x["similarity"]) # 将结果写入新的 JSONL 文件 with open(output_jsonl_file_path, 'w') as file: for entry in top_entries: # 恢复到原始的 JSON 结构格式 output_entry = { "id": entry["id"], "text": f"<__dj__image>\n{entry['text']} <|__dj__eoc|>", "images": [entry["image_path"].split("output-08-11/en/")[1]] } file.write(json.dumps(output_entry) + '\n') # 将结果写入新的 JSONL 文件 with open(output_with_similarity_jsonl_file_path, 'w') as file: for entry in top_entries: # 恢复到原始的 JSON 结构格式 output_entry = { "id": entry["id"], "text": f"<__dj__image>\n{entry['text']} <|__dj__eoc|>", "images": [entry["image_path"].split("output-08-11/en/")[1]], "similarity": entry["similarity"] } file.write(json.dumps(output_entry) + '\n') # 处理 JSONL 文件并保存结果 input_jsonl_file_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/low_similarity_filter/res.jsonl" # 替换为你的文件路径 output_jsonl_file_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/low_similarity_filter/res-clip-318555.jsonl" output_with_similarity_jsonl_file_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/low_similarity_filter/res-clip-318555-simi.jsonl" process_and_filter_jsonl(input_jsonl_file_path, output_jsonl_file_path, output_with_similarity_jsonl_file_path)
* Blip
import json
import torch
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
import open_clip
import heapq
from transformers import BlipProcessor, BlipForConditionalGeneration
import torch
from PIL import Image
device = torch.device("cuda:1" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
def compute_image_text_similarity(image_path, text):
# 加载图像
image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")
# 预处理图像和文本
inputs = processor(images=image, text=text, return_tensors="pt").to(device)
# 使用模型进行推理
outputs = model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=50)
# 生成图像的描述
generated_text = processor.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
# 打印生成的文本描述
print(f"Generated Text: {generated_text}")
# 计算图文匹配度
similarity_score = compute_similarity_score(generated_text, text)
return similarity_score
def compute_similarity_score(generated_text, input_text):
# 这里可以使用简单的相似性计算方法,例如使用文本相似度计算库
# 在实际应用中,你可以替换为更复杂的相似性计算方法
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer().fit_transform([generated_text, input_text])
cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(tfidf_vectorizer[0:1], tfidf_vectorizer[1:2])
return cosine_sim[0][0]
# 初始化模型和预处理函数
processor = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base")
model = BlipForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base")
def process_and_filter_jsonl(input_jsonl_file_path, output_jsonl_file_path, top_n=200000):
heap = []
all_entries = []
# 逐行读取 JSONL 文件并计算相似度
with open(input_jsonl_file_path, 'r') as file:
for line in tqdm(file, desc="Processing JSONL file"):
entry = json.loads(line)
image_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1/" + entry.get("images", [])[0]
text = entry.get("text", "")
# if not image_paths:
# continue
# 提取文本中的有效部分
start = text.find("<__dj__image>") + len("<__dj__image>")
end = text.find("<|__dj__eoc|>")
if start == -1 or end == -1:
cleaned_text = text[start:end].strip()
# 处理每对图像和文本
# for image_path in image_paths:
similarity = compute_image_text_similarity(image_path, cleaned_text)
print(f'similarity: {similarity}')
# 保存所有条目以便后续筛选
"id": entry["id"],
"image_path": image_path,
"text": cleaned_text,
"similarity": similarity
# 使用 heapq 选择相似度最高的 top_n 条数据
top_entries = heapq.nlargest(top_n, all_entries, key=lambda x: x["similarity"])
# 将结果写入新的 JSONL 文件
with open(output_jsonl_file_path, 'w') as file:
for entry in top_entries:
# 恢复到原始的 JSON 结构格式
output_entry = {
"id": entry["id"],
"text": f"<__dj__image>\n{entry['text']} <|__dj__eoc|>",
"images": [entry["image_path"].split("pretrain_stage_1/")[1]]
file.write(json.dumps(output_entry) + '\n')
# 处理 JSONL 文件并保存结果
input_jsonl_file_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1/mgm_pretrain_stage_1.jsonl" # 替换为你的文件路径
output_jsonl_file_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1/mgm_pretrain_stage_1-blip-200k.jsonl"
process_and_filter_jsonl(input_jsonl_file_path, output_jsonl_file_path)
* Clip add blip
import json
import torch
from PIL import Image
from tqdm import tqdm
import open_clip
import heapq
from transformers import BlipProcessor, BlipForConditionalGeneration
import torch
from PIL import Image
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler
device = torch.device("cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu")
# 初始化clip模型和预处理函数
clip_model, clip_preprocess = open_clip.create_model_from_pretrained('hf-hub:apple/DFN5B-CLIP-ViT-H-14-384')
clip_tokenizer = open_clip.get_tokenizer('ViT-H-14')
# 初始化blip模型和预处理函数
blip_processor = BlipProcessor.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base")
blip_model = BlipForConditionalGeneration.from_pretrained("Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-base")
def preprocess_clip_image(image_path):
image = Image.open(image_path)
return clip_preprocess(image).unsqueeze(0).to(device)
def compute_clip_similarity(image_tensor, text_token):
text_token = text_token.to(device)
with torch.no_grad(), torch.cuda.amp.autocast():
image_features = clip_model.encode_image(image_tensor)
text_features = clip_model.encode_text(text_token)
image_features /= image_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
text_features /= text_features.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True)
similarity = image_features @ text_features.T
return similarity.item()
def compute_image_text_blip_similarity(image_path, text):
# 加载图像
image = Image.open(image_path).convert("RGB")
# 预处理图像和文本
inputs = blip_processor(images=image, text=text, return_tensors="pt").to(device)
# 使用模型进行推理
outputs = blip_model.generate(**inputs, max_new_tokens=50)
# 生成图像的描述
generated_text = blip_processor.decode(outputs[0], skip_special_tokens=True)
# 打印生成的文本描述
# print(f"Generated Text: {generated_text}")
# 计算图文匹配度
similarity_score = compute_similarity_score(generated_text, text)
return similarity_score
def compute_similarity_score(generated_text, input_text):
# 这里可以使用简单的相似性计算方法,例如使用文本相似度计算库
# 在实际应用中,你可以替换为更复杂的相似性计算方法
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
from sklearn.metrics.pairwise import cosine_similarity
tfidf_vectorizer = TfidfVectorizer().fit_transform([generated_text, input_text])
cosine_sim = cosine_similarity(tfidf_vectorizer[0:1], tfidf_vectorizer[1:2])
return cosine_sim[0][0]
def normalize_scores(entries, key):
values = [entry[key] for entry in entries]
scaler = MinMaxScaler()
normalized_values = scaler.fit_transform([[v] for v in values])
for i, entry in enumerate(entries):
entry[key] = normalized_values[i][0]
def process_and_filter_jsonl(input_jsonl_file_path, output_jsonl_file_path, top_n=362644):
heap = []
all_entries = []
# 逐行读取 JSONL 文件并计算相似度
with open(input_jsonl_file_path, 'r') as file:
for line in tqdm(file, desc="Processing JSONL file"):
entry = json.loads(line)
# image_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1/" + entry.get("images", [])[0]
image_path = entry.get("images", [])[0]
text = entry.get("text", "")
# if not image_paths:
# continue
# 提取文本中的有效部分
start = text.find("<__dj__image>") + len("<__dj__image>")
end = text.find("<|__dj__eoc|>")
if start == -1 or end == -1:
cleaned_text = text[start:end].strip()
# 处理每对图像和文本
# for image_path in image_paths:
image_tensor = preprocess_clip_image(image_path)
text_token = clip_tokenizer(cleaned_text)
clip_similarity = compute_clip_similarity(image_tensor, text_token)
# 处理每对图像和文本
# for image_path in image_paths:
blip_similarity = compute_image_text_blip_similarity(image_path, cleaned_text)
# 保存所有条目以便后续筛选
"id": entry["id"],
"image_path": image_path,
"text": cleaned_text,
"clip_similarity": clip_similarity,
"blip_similarity": blip_similarity
# 归一化 similarity 分数
normalize_scores(all_entries, "clip_similarity")
normalize_scores(all_entries, "blip_similarity")
# 计算综合相似度并排序
for entry in all_entries:
entry["combined_similarity"] = entry["clip_similarity"] + entry["blip_similarity"]
# 使用 heapq 选择相似度最高的 top_n 条数据
top_entries = heapq.nlargest(top_n, all_entries, key=lambda x: x["combined_similarity"])
# 将结果写入新的 JSONL 文件
with open(output_jsonl_file_path, 'w') as file:
for entry in top_entries:
# 恢复到原始的 JSON 结构格式
output_entry = {
"id": entry["id"],
"text": f"<__dj__image>\n{entry['text']} <|__dj__eoc|>",
"images": [entry["image_path"].split("pretrain_stage_1/")[1]]
file.write(json.dumps(output_entry) + '\n')
# 将结果写入新的 JSONL 文件
with open(output_jsonl_file_path_similarity, 'w') as file:
for entry in top_entries:
# 恢复到原始的 JSON 结构格式
output_entry = {
"id": entry["id"],
"text": f"<__dj__image>\n{entry['text']} <|__dj__eoc|>",
"images": [entry["image_path"].split("pretrain_stage_1/")[1]],
"combined_similarity": entry["combined_similarity"],
"clip_similarity": entry["clip_similarity"],
"blip_similarity": entry["blip_similarity"],
file.write(json.dumps(output_entry) + '\n')
# 处理 JSONL 文件并保存结果
input_jsonl_file_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1/mgm_pretrain_stage_1_refined.jsonl" # 替换为你的文件路径
output_jsonl_file_path = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1/mgm_pretrain_stage_1_refined-clip-add-blip.jsonl"
output_jsonl_file_path_similarity = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1/mgm_pretrain_stage_1_refined-clip-add-blip-similarity.jsonl"
process_and_filter_jsonl(input_jsonl_file_path, output_jsonl_file_path)
详细方案 score MMBench TextVQA Clip top1K-201K 1.8371 2.6210 1.0533 Clip top1.5K-201.5K 2.0428 2.9608 1.1247 Clip top2K-202K 2.3521 3.5099 1.1944 Clip top3K-203K 1.9293 2.7778 1.0807 Clip top5K-205K 1.6674 2.3007 1.0340 -
算子 场景 语言 描述 document_deduplicator General en, zh 通过比较 MD5 哈希值在文档级别对样本去重 document_minhash_deduplicator General en, zh 使用 MinHashLSH 在文档级别对样本去重 document_simhash_deduplicator General en, zh 使用 SimHash 在文档级别对样本去重 alphanumeric_filter General en, zh 保留字母数字比例在指定范围内的样本 image_nsfw_filter Image - 保留包含NSFW分数在指定阈值之下的图像的样本 image_shape_filter Image - 保留样本中包含的图片的形状(即宽和高)在指定范围内的样本 image_size_filter Image - 保留样本中包含的图片的大小(bytes)在指定范围内的样本 image_text_matching_filter Multimodal - 保留图像-文本的分类匹配分(基于BLIP模型)在指定范围内的样本 image_text_similarity_filter Multimodal - 保留图像-文本的特征余弦相似度(基于CLIP模型)在指定范围内的样本 image_deduplicator Image - 使用文档之间图像的精确匹配在文档级别删除重复样本 详细方案 score MMBench TextVQA 经过各种处理(mapper、deduplicator、filter等)之后,剩余300多K,从中随机采样200K 1.8942 2.7125 1.0760 经过各种处理(mapper、deduplicator、filter等)之后,剩余300多K,从中采样clip similarity最高的200K 1.4343 1.8105 1.0582 经过各种处理(mapper、deduplicator、filter等)之后,剩余300多K,取top20K-top220K 1.7901 2.4902 1.0899 经过各种处理(mapper、deduplicator、filter等)之后,剩余300多K,取top50K-250K 1.4399 1.7909 1.0890 -
dataset_path: /mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/en/res.jsonl export_path: /mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/text_and_image_preprocess/res.jsonl np: 42 # number of subprocess to process your dataset text_keys: 'text' image_key: 'images' image_special_token: '<__dj__image>' # The special token that represents an image in the text. For LLaVA, it's "<image>". Should be aligned with the args when running conversion tools. eoc_special_token: '<|__dj__eoc|>' # The special token that represents the end of a chunk in the text. In default, it's "<|__dj__eoc|>". You can specify your own special token according to your input dataset. Should be aligned with the args when running conversion tools. # Filter ops process: - fix_unicode_mapper: # original english = 399883 # fix unicode errors in text. - punctuation_normalization_mapper: # 399883 # normalize unicode punctuations to English punctuations. - alphanumeric_filter: # 387798 # filter text with alphabet/numeric ratio out of specific range. tokenization: false # Whether to count the ratio of alphanumeric to the total number of tokens. min_ratio: 0.60 # the min ratio of filter range - character_repetition_filter: # 379050 # filter text with the character repetition ratio out of specific range rep_len: 10 # repetition length for char-level n-gram max_ratio: 0.09373663 # the max ratio of filter range - flagged_words_filter: # 378907 # filter text with the flagged-word ratio larger than a specific max value lang: en # consider flagged words in what language tokenization: false # whether to use model to tokenize documents max_ratio: 0.0 - perplexity_filter: # 374810 # filter text with perplexity score out of specific range lang: en # compute perplexity in what language max_ppl: 10000 # the max perplexity score to filter text - special_characters_filter: # 367920 # filter text with special-char ratio out of specific range min_ratio: 0.16534802 # 可以尝试调整成0 # the min ratio of filter range max_ratio: 0.42023757 # the max ratio of filter range - word_repetition_filter: # 367920 # filter text with the word repetition ratio out of specific range lang: en # sample in which language tokenization: false # whether to use model to tokenize documents rep_len: 10 # repetition length for word-level n-gram max_ratio: 0.03085751 # the max ratio of filter range - image_aspect_ratio_filter: # 360881 # filter samples according to the aspect ratios of images (a fraction of width by height, r=w/h) in them min_ratio: 0.4 # the min aspect ratio of filter range max_ratio: 2.5 # the max aspect ratio of filter range any_or_all: any # keep this sample when any/all images meet the filter condition - image_shape_filter: # 360881 # filter samples according to the widths and heights of images in them min_width: 336 min_height: 336 max_width: 1024 # The max width to keep samples. max_height: 1024 # The max height to keep samples. any_or_all: any # keep this sample when any/all images meet the filter condition - image_size_filter: # 359725 # filter samples according to the size of images (in bytes) within them max_size: "124KB" # the max size of filter range any_or_all: any # keep this sample when any/all images meet the filter condition - image_nsfw_filter: # 358092 # 检测不适合工作时间看的内容 hf_nsfw_model: 'Falconsai/nsfw_image_detection' score_threshold: 0.5 mem_required: '10GB' any_or_all: any
dataset_path: /mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/text_and_image_preprocess/res.jsonl export_path: /mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/deduplication/res.jsonl np: 42 # number of subprocess to process your dataset text_keys: 'text' image_key: 'images' image_special_token: '<__dj__image>' # The special token that represents an image in the text. For LLaVA, it's "<image>". Should be aligned with the args when running conversion tools. eoc_special_token: '<|__dj__eoc|>' # The special token that represents the end of a chunk in the text. In default, it's "<|__dj__eoc|>". You can specify your own special token according to your input dataset. Should be aligned with the args when running conversion tools. # Filter ops process: - document_minhash_deduplicator: # 358092 => 328464 tokenization: 'space' # For English-like languages, we recommend to use 'space', for Chinese-like languages, we recommend to use 'character', and for multiple languages, we recommend to use 'sentencepiece'. If using 'sentencepiece', please provided the model path in the 'tokenizer_model' field. lowercase: true jaccard_threshold: 0.7 - image_deduplicator: # 324803 method: 'phash' consider_text: False # 去重时是否考虑文本的hash值
dataset_path: /mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/deduplication/res.jsonl export_path: /mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11/low_similarity_filter/res.jsonl np: 4 # number of subprocess to process your dataset text_keys: 'text' image_key: 'images' image_special_token: '<__dj__image>' # The special token that represents an image in the text. For LLaVA, it's "<image>". Should be aligned with the args when running conversion tools. eoc_special_token: '<|__dj__eoc|>' # The special token that represents the end of a chunk in the text. In default, it's "<|__dj__eoc|>". You can specify your own special token according to your input dataset. Should be aligned with the args when running conversion tools. process: - image_text_similarity_filter: #324803 =>323994 # filter samples according to the similarity between text and images. hf_clip: openai/clip-vit-base-patch32 # name of used Hugging Face clip min_score: 0.20315419 # the min similarity of filter range mem_required: '10GB' any_or_all: any - image_text_matching_filter: # 315086 # filter samples according to the matching score between image and text. hf_blip: Salesforce/blip-itm-base-coco # name of used Hugging Face blip min_score: 0.44930778 # the min matching score of filter range mem_required: '10GB' any_or_all: any
# 配置数据处理文件 import json import jsonlines as jl from tqdm import tqdm import os def check_path(path): if not os.path.exists(path): os.makedirs(path) return input_root = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/input/pretrain_stage_1" output_root = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/output-08-11" recipe_root = "/mnt/lustre/caipengxiang/project/better_synth/dj_synth_challenge/solution/recipes" ## 去除中文数据 all_entries = [] with open(f"{input_root}/mgm_pretrain_stage_1.jsonl", "r") as file: for line in tqdm(file, desc="Processing JSONL file"): # 读取样本 entry = json.loads(line) if entry["id"].startswith("allava"): continue all_entries.append(entry) check_path(f"{output_root}/en/") with open(f"{output_root}/en/res.jsonl", 'w') as file: for entry in all_entries: file.write(json.dumps(entry) + '\n')
算子 场景 语言 描述 image_captioning_mapper Multimodal - 生成样本,其标题是根据另一个辅助模型(例如 blip2)和原始样本中的图形生成的。 image_diffusion_mapper Multimodal - 用stable diffusion生成图像,对图像进行增强 详细方案 score MMBench TextVQA clip排序代码 recaption.yaml文件 CLIP 400K排序后,将后200K数据recaptioning后,重新和原CLIP top-200K数据组合,再进行一次CLIP 200K排序最终完整方案 2.4069 3.5818 1.2321 code/sort.py code/image_captioning.yaml CLIP 400K排序后,将后200K数据recaptioning后,重新和原CLIP top-200K数据组合,再进行一次clip 400k排序,分别实验clip top1k-201k,clip top2k-202k,clip5k-205k探索 1k 1.56632k 2.01243k 1.8113 2.05232.90852.5360 1.08031.11621.0867 - - -
详细方案 score MMBench TextVQA 400k数据,400个聚类中心均匀采样200K 2.0813 3.0197 1.1429 -
from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans from sklearn.decomposition import PCA from sklearn.datasets import make_blobs import numpy as np from sklearn.cluster import MiniBatchKMeans import json # 数据样例 # data = [ # {"image_id": "1234", # "__dj__stats__": {"alnum_ratio": 0.6615384615, "aspect_ratios": [0.7813953488], "char_rep_ratio": 0.0, # "flagged_words_ratio": 0.0, "image_height": [430], "image_nsfw_score": [0.0001461331], # "image_sizes": [74827], "image_text_matching_score": [0.999979496], # "image_text_similarity": [0.546875], "image_width": [336], "perplexity": 5334.7, # "special_char_ratio": 0.4, "word_rep_ratio": 0.0, "text_embedding": [1, 2, 3, 4]}, }, # # 其他数据条目 # ] data = [] n_samples, n_clusters, n_features= 400_00, 100, 2 # 随机生成数据 for i in range(n_samples): data.append({"image_id": f"image_{i}", "__dj__stats__": {"alnum_ratio": np.random.rand(), "aspect_ratios": [np.random.rand()], "char_rep_ratio": np.random.rand(), "flagged_words_ratio": np.random.rand(), "image_height": [np.random.randint(100, 1000)], "image_nsfw_score": [np.random.rand()], "image_sizes": [np.random.randint(100, 100000)], "image_text_matching_score": [np.random.rand()], "image_text_similarity": [np.random.rand()], "image_width": [np.random.randint(100, 1000)], "perplexity": np.random.randint(1000, 10000), "special_char_ratio": np.random.rand(), "word_rep_ratio": np.random.rand(), "text_embedding": np.random.random(size=(1, n_features))[0]}, }) print(data[0]) # 提取text_embedding用于聚类 embeddings = np.array([item["__dj__stats__"]['text_embedding'] for item in data]) # 使用MiniBatchKMeans进行聚类 minibatch_kmeans = MiniBatchKMeans(n_clusters=n_clusters, random_state=0, batch_size=1024, max_iter=30, max_no_improvement=10, # number of mini batches that does not yield an improvement on the smoothed inertia. reassignment_ratio= 0.1, # 每次更新的聚类中心数量 verbose=True) minibatch_kmeans.fit(embeddings) # 为每个数据点分配簇标签 labels = minibatch_kmeans.labels_ # 将聚类标签保存到__dj__stats__中 for i, label in enumerate(labels): data[i]["__dj__stats__"]["cluster_label"] = int(label) # 保存聚类标签 # 采样个数 sample_num = 300_00 # 聚类后对每个类别进行排序和采样 n = sample_num // n_clusters # 假设每个类别采样前n个 sampled_data = [] remaining_data = {} for cluster_label in range(n_clusters): # 获取属于该簇的所有数据点 cluster_items = [data[i] for i in range(len(data)) if labels[i] == cluster_label] print(f"Cluster {cluster_label} has {len(cluster_items)} items") # 根据image_text_similarity排序 cluster_items.sort(key=lambda x: x["__dj__stats__"]["image_text_similarity"], reverse=True) if len(cluster_items) >= n: sampled_data.extend(cluster_items[:n]) remaining_data[cluster_label]= cluster_items[n:] else: sampled_data.extend(cluster_items) remain_sample_num = sample_num - len(sampled_data) remain_n = (remain_sample_num + len(remaining_data) - 1) // len(remaining_data) while len(sampled_data) < sample_num: for cluster_label, cluster_items in remaining_data.items(): if len(cluster_items) >= remain_n: sampled_data.extend(cluster_items[:remain_n]) cluster_items = cluster_items[remain_n:] remaining_data[cluster_label] = cluster_items else: sampled_data.extend(cluster_items) del remaining_data[cluster_label] remain_sample_num = sample_num - len(sampled_data) remain_n = (remain_sample_num + len(remaining_data) - 1) // len(remaining_data) print(f"Sampled {len(sampled_data)} items, remaining {remain_sample_num} items to sample") print(f"Sampled {len(sampled_data)} items") # 输出采样后的数据 for item in sampled_data: print(f"Sampled Image ID: {item['image_id']}, Similarity: {item['__dj__stats__']['image_text_similarity']}") def save_data_as_jsonl(data, file_path): """ 将数据保存为jsonl格式,确保ndarray被转换为可保存的json格式。 :param data: 要保存的数据列表,其中每个数据项是一个字典。 :param file_path: 保存文件的路径。 """ # 将数据中的 ndarray 转换为可保存的列表格式 for item in data: for key, value in item["__dj__stats__"].items(): if isinstance(value, np.ndarray): item["__dj__stats__"][key] = value.tolist() elif isinstance(value, list): item["__dj__stats__"][key] = [v.tolist() if isinstance(v, np.ndarray) else v for v in value] # 将数据写入jsonl文件 with open(file_path, 'w') as f: for item in data: f.write(json.dumps(item) + "\n") sampled_data = sampled_data[:sample_num] # 截取前sample_num个数据 save_data_as_jsonl(sampled_data, "sampled_data.jsonl")
在初赛最佳实验结果的基础上,多选了5K预训练数据,即使用clip排序后,前200K保留,后200K recaption,再排序后选top205K,这种方案无论是在初赛还是复赛中都有很强的泛化性,比如我们的初赛模型在复赛指标上只下降了0.2分。