When we have a Java application and we want to make it executable, then we need many configuration and command-line task, and sometimes if everything looks ok, but there exist's a silly mistake, you can't run the executable jar file.
The problem can be much more bigger and you have to face following challenges if,
- The application depend's on many other jar file.
- You have to make it's executable file, and link-up with dependencies.
To solve those problem, here's the solution for your gradle project. Here the gradle-plugin named ExportJar, to use this plugin you have to build the plugin first.
gradle build
Then use the plugin and make your gradle build file.
FILE: build.gradle
import com.lemon.framework.gradleplugin.task.Executable
buildscript {
repositories {
flatDir {
dirs 'libs'
dependencies {
classpath "com.lemon.framework:gradle-plugin:$frameworkVersion"
jar {
exclude exportJar.exclude
manifest {
attributes('Main-Class':"your.package.YourMainClassName") /*Fully-Qualified Main Class Name*/
Then if you run
gradle exportJar
It will create an executable jar file in /export directory and copy all of it's dependencies on a directory named /library and link-up those with executable jar file.
You can change the name of directories, by specifying
exportJar {