A tiny service that listens for gerrit events and publishes them to a Slack webhook.
It acts much like the official slack-integration plugin.
See the slack-integration
plugin for docs on how to configure your project.config
In addition, you need to make an ini-formatted config file for gerrit-slack
so it knows how to reach your Gerrit instance. The config file looks like:
http-address = https://mygerrit.com/
ssh-address = mygerrit.com:2222
username = slack
password = my-super-secure-password
private-key-path = /path/to/a/private/key
host-key = ecdsa-sha2-nistp521 ...
The host-key can be copied from https://gerrit/#/settings/ssh-keys and should
be the string that users typically add to their known_hosts
gerrit-slack [--config=./slack.config] [--log-level=info]