CosTaL: An accurate and scalabel graph-based clustering algorithm for high-dimensional single-cell data analysis
CosTaL use p-L2knng to map k nearest neighbors and construct a kNN graph, which is later refined using Tanimoto coefficient for a better restoration of the original similarity relationships among the cells inside the high-dimensional single-cell dataset.
CosTaL is still under development in support of all platforms. Right now, the implementation of p-L2knng is only supporting the Linux system using executable, which may generate temproary files as input and output for p-L2knng (remember to get them removed if there is a problem happend during the executation, the name is the automatically-generated UUID as a 32-character lowercase hexadecimal string, unless specificed). The kNN maping on Mac and Windows platforms is temporarily using the brute force mapping borrowed from PhenoGraph.
pip install CosTaL
import CosTaL as ct
clusters = ct.clustering(data, method = 'mass', nbr_num = 10)
data: scipy.sparse matrices, numpy.ndarray, pandas.DataFrame
method: {None: 'No preprocessing', 'mass': 'Arcsinh5 transformation', 'flow': 'Arcsinh150 transformation', 'spectral flow': 'Arcsinh6000 transformation', 'scrnaseq': 'Scanpy method, see the code for details'}
nbr_num: k for kNN
Tanimoto coefficient + UMAP connectivity (affinity) doubly-refined clustering
This gives the clustering a slightly better accuracy while requires more time to be executed.
clusters = ct.clustering(data, method = 'mass', nbr_num = 10, local = True)
Yijia Li: [email protected]
- Liscense
This project is licensed under the [MIT] License - see the LICENSE file for details
- Developemnt status:
[1] Anastasiu, David C., and George Karypis. "L2knng: Fast exact k-nearest neighbor graph construction with l2-norm pruning." Proceedings of the 24th ACM International on Conference on Information and Knowledge Management. 2015.
[2] McInnes, Leland, John Healy, and James Melville. "Umap: Uniform manifold approximation and projection for dimension reduction." arXiv preprint arXiv:1802.03426 (2018).
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