Oxibooru is an image board engine based on Szurubooru. The backend has been entirely rewritten in Rust with a focus on performance 🚀.
If you're interested in migrating a Szurubooru instance to an Oxibooru one, see the conversion guide.
- Post content: images (JPG, PNG, BMP, GIF, WEBP) and videos (MP4, MOV, WEBM)
- Post comments
- Post notes / annotations, including arbitrary polygons
- Rich JSON REST API (see documentation)
- Token based authentication for clients
- Rich search system
- Rich privilege system
- Autocomplete in search and while editing tags
- Tag categories
- Tag suggestions
- Tag implications (adding a tag automatically adds another)
- Tag aliases
- Pools and pool categories
- Duplicate and similarity detection
- Post rating and favoriting; comment rating
- Polished UI
- Browser configurable endless paging
- Browser configurable backdrop grid for transparent images
It is recommended that you use Docker for deployment. See installation instructions.