libridge is a free/libre, open-source bridge server and it is (soon) available in
libridge uses ben for bidding suggestions (and more in the future). Don't forget to check out this awesome bridge engine.
libridge-backend uses Java 21 (LTS) in development and in runtime. It will be updated to Java 25 LTS after its launch at September 2025.
We recommend installing using SDKMAN!
libridge uses Makefile and Maven to build. The following line should be enough:
This should clean your directory, compile, run all tests, package the final .jar at the target/
directory and copy it into ./libridge-server.jar
And then java -jar ./libridge-server.jar
to run the development server.
If you'd like to run only the unit tests:
mvn test
You can also run checks to verify the package is valid and meets quality criteria.
mvn verify
This will include JaCoCo's code coverage report at target/site/jacoco/index.html
You can see potential bugs with SpotBugs running:
mvn spotbugs:gui
To execute mutation tests using pitest run:
mvn test-compile org.pitest:pitest-maven:mutationCoverage
and see the coverage report at target/pit-reports/
If you prefer to user Docker, you can
make build
to build the server image and
make run
to run the server on the default port.
You can also pull the image directly from the Docker Hub.
If you want to just start the server on the default port:
docker run -p 8080:8080 rulojuka/libridge-backend
Create a docker based droplet and
docker run --network host -e DATABASE_URL='url' -e DATABASE_USERNAME='username' -e DATABASE_PASSWORD='password' -d -p 8080:8080 rulojuka/libridge-backend
make deploy
See file AUTHORS
See file COPYING