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AirGradient has a DIY air sensor. I built one (actually, more than one). I want to integrate sensor data into my in-home Prometheus instance and graph the data in Grafana.
So I built this.
If you're using the official AirGradient Arduino sketch (C02_PM_SHT_OLED_WIFI
), you can configure it to enable WiFi and send data to a remote server every 9 seconds (as it cycles through the display of PM2.5, CO2, temperature, and humidity values).
By default, it sends a small JSON payload to AirGradient's servers, and you can monitor the data via their service.
This sketch provides stats upon request to the prometheus server during scrapes. By changing the deviceId in this sketch, you can easily probe multiple AirGradient DIY sensors from Prometheus.
First, edit the configuration options in the Config
section of AirGradient-DIY.ino
to match your desired settings.
Make sure you enter the SSID and password for your WiFi network in the relevant variables, otherwise the sensor won't connect to your network.
Make sure you have the "AirGradient" library installed (in Arduino IDE, go to Tools > Manage Libraries...).
Upload the sketch to the AirGradient sensor (instructions here) using Arduino IDE, make sure it connects to your network, then test connecting to it by running this curl
$ curl http://airgradient-ip-address:9925/metrics
# HELP pm02 Particulate Matter PM2.5 value
# TYPE pm02 gauge
# HELP rco2 CO2 value, in ppm
# TYPE rco2 gauge
# HELP atmp Temperature, in degrees Celsius
# TYPE atmp gauge
# HELP rhum Relative humidity, in percent
# TYPE rhum gauge
Once you've verified it's working, configure Prometheus to scrape the sensor's endpoint: http://sensor-ip:9925/metrics
Example job configuration in prometheus.yml
- job_name: 'airgradient-bedroom'
metrics_path: /metrics
scrape_interval: 30s
- targets: ['airgradient-ip-address:9925']
You can configure a static IP address for the sensor by uncommenting the #define staticip
line and entering your own IP information in the following lines.