- Python 3 installed
- pip installed
- Update your local liferay repo
- Checkout the branch you want to use
- From project root directory, install requirements
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
- Change script permissions
chmod 755 getLpsFromLocalRepo.py
- Run scrip
Note: The first time you use the script it will ask you for your Jira user and token. For more information on Jira tokens refer to https://support.atlassian.com/atlassian-account/docs/manage-api-tokens-for-your-atlassian-account/
- PATH_TO_PORTAL: Mandatory. Local path to your liferay repo. Remember that it should be up-to-date
- START_HASH: Mandatory. Hash to start the issues search. Be sure it exists on the branch you are on for liferay repo
- END_HASH: Mandatory. HEAD can be used. Hash to finish the issues search. Be sure it exists on the branch you are on for liferay repo
- NEXT_VERSION: Mandatory. You must set the next version in order to add it into tickets name.
- PARENT_TASK: Optional. Key of the Jira issue we want to create the subtask in. If it is set subtask are crated using NEXT_VERSION on the name. If it is not set, no sub-task is created.
./getLpsFromLocalRepo.py /path/to/portal/liferay-portal-ee 3003e37ca17273ce74c3f0213865b7b64ec7ad1f d6f2ba88aac686f9b64a7152082c5cb1d72065f7 2024.Q2.0 LPD-26288