A Lightweight and fully asynchronous MQTT 3.1.1 client C library based on libubox for Embedded Linux. Support QoS 0, 1 and 2. Support ssl.
Keep Watching for More Actions on This Space
- libubox
- ustream-ssl - If you need to support SSL
- mbedtls - If you choose mbedtls as your SSL backend
- CyaSSl(wolfssl) - If you choose wolfssl as your SSL backend
- openssl - If you choose openssl as your SSL backend
Install build tools
sudo apt install gcc cmake git # For Ubuntu
yum install gcc cmake git # For Centos
Install dependent packages
sudo apt install libjson-c-dev # For Ubuntu
sudo apt install json-c-devel # For Centos
git clone https://git.openwrt.org/project/libubox.git
cd libubox && cmake -DBUILD_LUA=OFF . && sudo make install
git clone https://git.openwrt.org/project/ustream-ssl.git
cd ustream-ssl && cmake . && sudo make install
Install libumqtt
git clone https://github.com/zhaojh329/libumqtt.git
cd libumqtt && cmake . && sudo make install
Run example
You need to cross compiling by yourself
If you would like to help making libumqtt better, see the CONTRIBUTING.md file.