Activity Synchronization between Strava and Komoot. Synchronization direction: Strava --> Komoot
What is synced:
- Name of the activity
- Visibility (private, public)
$GOPATH/bin/strava_komoot_sync -h
Usage of ./strava_komoot_sync:
Log debug level
-komoot_email string
Komoot Email
-komoot_pw string
Komoot Password
-komoot_userid string
Komoot User ID
-strava_athleteid int
Strava Athlete ID
-strava_clientid int
Strava Client ID
-strava_clientsecret string
Strava Client Secret
-strava_virtualRide_gearid string
Strava Virtual Ride GearID
Sync all activities
Flag "-sync_all"
- true: all activities will be synched once and program terminates
- false: the last 30 Strava activities will be synched
Build and Run:
docker build --tag stravakomootsync:latest . docker run -d -p 8080:8080 --name stravakomootsync --restart unless-stopped -e 'KOMOOT_EMAIL=*****' -e 'KOMOOT_PWD=*****' -e 'KOMOOT_USERID=*****' -e 'STRAVA_CLIENTID=*****' -e 'STRAVA_CLIENTSECRET=*****' -e 'STRAVA_ATHLETEID=*****' -e 'STRAVA_VIRT_GEARID=*****' stravakomootsync
Go to the Containers Tab in the Docker Desktop and select 'View Detail' at the "vertical hamburger".
In the Logs Tab there will be are Link to Strava asking you to confirm the App Login.
This will sync the Names of the latest 30 Strava Activities with corresponding Komoot Activities. Check Komoot to find your Activity Names updated.
To update all Activities, add the parameter ...
-e 'SYNC_ALL=true'
... to aboves docker run command.
WARNING!! This option is not working in this fork. It uses a precompiled package from the original repo with an error.
cp .env.template .env
vi .env
docker compose up -d
- sync pics