0.14.0: Social Highlights
This release adds social highlights to the extension! If you happen to visit one of the 24.795 currently supported articles you'll its most important ideas underlined in the article text. The number of these social highlights also appears on the extension icon when there are some.
Just click on the underlined text to see the related conversation on Hacker News or Hypothes.is: (here's how this works)
(This is a screenshot from Why the past 10 years of American life have been uniquely stupid)
If you want to create your own public comment, annotate any text in the extension and configure the sync with Hypothes.is. Then you'll see a "globe" icon on your annotation to get replies from other readers.
Of course, this can be turned off via the toolbar in the top right of the article view. Showing the number of social highlights on the extension icon can be customized seperately in the extension settings. But if you do try out the feature, please let me know what you think!
For the next release, I'm taking a look again at some of the basics: fixing bugs in the uncluttering algorithm and making the entire process smoother. See you then!