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Releases: linuxhw/hw-probe

Hardware Probe Tool 1.6

21 Sep 20:08
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In this release we have properly tested and fixed support for almost all *BSD systems, expanded support for more Linux systems, implemented probing of HP Smart Array and improved decorating of possibly significant data in collected logs.

LHWM — Linux/BSD Hardware Monitoring feature is publicly available.

See detailed changelog in the file.

Hardware Probe Tool 1.6 BETA2

20 May 22:39
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In this release we add support for BSD systems (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, NetBSD, DragonFly, MidnightBSD, GhostBSD, NomadBSD, FreeNAS, pfSense, OS108, etc.), improve identification of hardware devices on board and fix several security issues in collected logs.

See detailed changelog in the file.

Hardware Probe Tool 1.5

15 Jan 11:43
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In this release we significantly improved anonymization of probes, added quick run-time tests for several devices and implemented more detailed identification of hardware devices on board.

Summary: significantly better anonymization of probes, support for MegaRAID and Adaptec RAID, simple run-time tests for memory/HDD/CPU, enabling/disabling of atomic probes, better identification of devices/statuses, importing probes by inventory ID, identification of hardware/OS properties, hardware monitoring (Beta), support for universal packages.

See detailed changelog in the file.

Hardware Probe Tool 1.4

14 Apr 14:26
@lvc lvc
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Most significant change in this release is the anonymization of probes on the client-side. Previously "private data" (like IPs, MACs, serials, hostname, username, etc.) was removed on the server-side. But now you do not have to worry how server will handle your "private data", since it's not uploaded at all. You can now upload probes from any computers and servers w/o the risk of security leak.

Summary: improved privacy, faster probing, probe USB drives, probe MegaRAID, probe via sudo, improved detection of hardware, Deb package.

See detailed changelog in the file.

Hardware Probe Tool 1.3

03 Dec 19:44
@lvc lvc
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New Features

  1. Docker image for HW Probe to run anywhere
  2. Detecting NVMe drives
  3. Create offline collections of probes with -import option
  4. Collecting logs in C.UTF-8 locale
  5. Added probes: vulkaninfo, iostat, vainfo, uptime, memtester, cpuinfo, i2cdetect, numactl and lsinitrd
  6. Made -dump-acpi and -decode-acpi public options
  7. Improved support for Alpine Linux

Bug Fixes

  1. Fixed detection of computer vendor/model
  2. Fixed detection of HWid
  3. Fixed collecting of X11 logs
  4. Fixed xdpyinfo probe

Hardware Probe Tool 1.2

09 Mar 09:15
@lvc lvc
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  1. Use ip addr command to detect hwaddr if ifconfig command is not available
  2. Fixed hdparm and smartctl logs

Hardware Probe Tool 1.1

28 Sep 12:36
@lvc lvc
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  1. Use secure HTTPS connection to upload probes
  2. Detect release of a Linux distribution
  3. Detect real Mac-address
  4. Carefully detect devices on board

Hardware Probe Tool 1.0

22 Feb 07:06
@lvc lvc
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This is a first public release of the tool, that was used internally for testing hardware compatibility of Linux distributions since 2014.