Automate dependency installation for linux environments. Works for containers, VMs and bare metal. Use in scripts or interactively.
lixpose is a set of useful shell scripts to help to install dependencies in a fast passion on linux environments. Originally designed for fresh LXC instances you can build a clean shell script for a project or even leverage it interactively from the terminal. lixpose is nothing more than a set of templates and functions that let your setup script look cleaner and it can even be used to setup entire workstations. For stability, consider forking and modifying the init
script to point to the right repository.
The helper functions are designed to be re-run without issue, i.e. packages will only be installed, if they haven't been installed already.
This is pure shell scripting no need to learn new stuff here.
# initialize lixpose:
\. /dev/stdin << EOF
$(wget -qO-
# initialize environment:
lixreq env/debian
# prepare additional post-install steps for php
testcmd php || hatch_php=1
# ensure some packages are installed:
pkgreq software-properties-common gnupg redis-server imagemagick
# ensure some package-kits are installed and configured:
lixreq pack/lemp $phpversion # nginx, mariaDB, php8.4
lixreq pack/node 18
lixreq pack/python3
# post-install steps php
if [ $hatch_php ]; then
sed -ri 's/(memory_limit[ ]*=).*$/\1 512M/' "$php_ini"
sed -ri 's/(post_max_size[ ]*=).*$/\1 32M/' "$php_ini"
sed -ri 's/(upload_max_filesize[ ]*=).*$/\1 32M/' "$php_ini"
sed -ri 's/(serialize_precision[ ]*=).*$/\1 -1/' "$php_ini"
Note: If you are on Alpine, please
apk add ssl_client
, first.