machado v0.3.0
Release Notes
New features
- API: the API was updated to run OpenAPI rather than coreAPI
- API: the API documentation was created using Swagger
- API: new endpoints to retrieve feature information
- feature.html: most cards are now getting the information from the API
- the new variable MACHADO_JBROWSE_TRACKS allows to set the jbrowse tracks
- feature.html: dbxrefs were included
- feature.html: links to NCBI proteins were included
- export TSV: organism info was included
- tests: flake8 was included to perform static code analysis
- tests: ubuntu focal and python 3.8 were included
- load_gff: fixes store_relationship call
- load _gff: handles SignalP results from InterproScan analyses
- load_coexpression_clusters: fixes function to use retrieve_feature_id
- load_orthomcl: fixes function to use retrieve_feature_id
- search_result.html: formats species using italic