Convert US Go-Ship CF netCDF Bottle and CTD files from CCHDO into ArgoVis JSON formatted files.
Reads in Bottle and CTD CF netCDF files from for US Go-Ship cruises. Uses get requests to the CCHDO API to get the cruise information and path to the data files.
Converts CTD Temperature to the ITS-90 scale if it's on the IPTS-68 scale. At the moment, only CTD temperatures are converted and no other variables.
A check is done to see if the file has at a minimum a pressure and a ctd_temperature. If it doesn't, it is not converted.
Convert CF netCDF files into an ArgoVis JSON format of meta data and parameter data. No renaming is done at this step. The following information is included in the JSON file. There is meta data describing the cruise, parameter data listing variables and their values, and mappings of names, reference scale and units. The bgcMeas object contains all the data and quality codes, and the key measurements contains a subset of pressure, ctd_temperature, ctd_salinity, and ctd_oxygen with a quality code of 2. These are the core variables.
Core Variables:
pressure, ctd_temperature, ctd_salinity and bottle_salinity if ctd_salinity doesn't exist.
Meta Data:
"expocode", "cast", "section_id", "station", "btm_depth"
"cruise_url", "netcdf_url", "data_filename", "date", "date_formatted"
"latitude", "longitude", "roundLat", "roundLon", "strLat", "strLon", "geoLocation"
Parameter Data:
"bgcMeas", "measurements"
Mappings and variables from the initial file before any conversions:
"goship_names", "goship_ref_scale", "goship_units"
For the measurements list, only core variables are contained in each object of the measurements list. For bottle files, ctd files, and combined bottle and ctd files, the core variables have their '_btl' or '_ctd' suffix removed. Core values are pressure, ctd temperature, and ctd salinity. For a bottle file, if there is no ctd salinity, then bottle salinity is used if it exists.
See below for order of core variables used when combining bottle and ctd files.
The ArgoVis JSON formatted file is now renamed to the ArgoVis vocabulary.
For a CTD file, core variables of (pressure, ctd_temperature, ctd_salinity, and ctd_oxygen) are renamed as shown below. a suffix of "_ctd" is added to variables and "_qc" is mapped to "_ctd_qc". Meta variables do not have a suffix.
For a bottle file, core variables of (pressure, ctd_temperature, ctd_salinity, and ctd_oxygen) and bottle_saliniy are renamed as shown below. a suffix of "_ctd" is added to variables and "_qc" is mapped to "_ctd_qc". Meta variables do not have a suffix.
Additional mappings are included of "argovisReferenceScale", "goshipArgovisNameMapping", "goshipArgovisUnitNameMapping"
The mapping argovisReferenceScale lists renamed variables and their current reference scale. In the case of ctd temperature, if it was originally on an IPTS-68 scale and then converted to a ITS-90 scale, the ITS-90 scale is listed as the ArgoVis reference scale.
For goshipArgovisNameMapping, it is a mapping of variables to the ArgoVis vocabulary. Not all variables are renamed. Variables renamed are core variables, bottle salinity, and latitude and longitude.
For a renamed CTD file
"goshipArgovisNameMapping": {
"ctd_oxygen": "doxy_ctd",
"ctd_oxygen_qc": "doxy_ctd_qc",
"ctd_salinity": "psal_ctd",
"ctd_salinity_qc": "psal_ctd_qc",
"ctd_temperature": "temp_ctd",
"ctd_temperature_qc": "temp_ctd_qc",
"latitude": "lat",
"longitude": "lon",
"pressure": "pres"
For a renamed Bottle File
"goshipArgovisNameMapping": {
"bottle_salinity": "salinity_btl",
"bottle_salinity_qc": "salinity_btl_qc",
"ctd_oxygen": "doxy_btl",
"ctd_oxygen_qc": "doxy_btl_qc",
"ctd_salinity": "psal_btl",
"ctd_salinity_qc": "psal_btl_qc",
"ctd_temperature": "temp_btl",
"latitude": "lat",
"longitude": "lon",
"pressure": "pres"
The reference scale mapping argovisReferenceScale lists the reference scale of core variables.
"argovisReferenceScale": {
"psal_btl": "PSS-78",
"salinity_btl": "PSS-78",
"temp_btl": "ITS-90"
The bottle and CTD profiles are combined into one by adding a suffix of "_btl" to bottle meta data. Common variables like expocode are not given a btl suffix. The bgcMeas bottle and ctd objects are combined into one. The measurements object is combined with a hierarchy of core variables from the bottle and ctd files. The unit and reference scale mappings are combined. The name mapping is kept separate and identified by a Btl and Ctd suffix because their goship names are the same.
The unique identifier is a combination of
Requirement: conda installed
Modify conda_environment.yaml to set the conda environment name
you want to use
name: <conda environment name>
Within the repo created, run the following command to
create the conda environment needed
conda env create --file conda_environment.yaml
Then activate the Conda environment
conda activate <conda environment name>
To process all years Program assumes start year is 1900 and end year is Dec of current year
To process a range of years use -s and -e flags The start date is the Jan 1 of the start year and The end date is Dec 31 of the end year
python -s 1998 -e 2001
The data output is saved to converted_data. Each cruise dataset is saved as a zip archive named with the cruise expocode.
This xarray page explains the IO requirements to use the xarray command "open_dataset".
This page explains the IO error that can occur without the following installed.