Every dinosaur has a time when he or she is a small, tiny child...
This is a runtime and a model checker for the LMNtal (pronounced "elemental") language.
- automake 1.14.1
- autoconf 2.71
- g++
- flex 2.5.35
- re2c 1.0.3
- bison 3.0
- ruby 1.9.3p547
- libtool 2.2.6b
- cunit
Build the package as follows:
export LMNTAL_HOME=/path/to/devel # set the path to the compiler
cd slim
./configure --prefix=$(pwd) # Generate a binary at $(pwd)/bin/slim
make -j # `-j` for a parallel build
make -j install # set up libraries
tar xvzf slim-x.y.z.tar.gz
cd slim-x.y.z
./configure --prefix=$(pwd)
make -j
make -j install
Among generated files, bin/slim
is the LMNtal interpreter.
So you can run SLIM as follows:
lmntal --slimcode source.lmn > source.il # Compile the source.lmn file and generate a source.il
./bin/slim source.il # Execute the runtime with the source.il
You can see what options are available with SLIM as follows:
./bin/slim --help
lmntal --slimcode source.lmn > source.il
./bin/slim --nd source.il # single core
./bin/slim --nd --use-Ncore=12 source.il # multi-core
./bin/slim --nd --use-Ncore=12 --delta-mem source.il # multi-core optimization
To test the project, run the following:
make check
To add or modify a test, see test.
We are currently NOT using any formatter but we strongly recommend you to use ClangFormat if you are to add any additional lines. Install ClangFormat and run the following:
clang-format -i filename.cpp
バグ報告は [email protected] までお願いします。
最新版における新しい機能やその他の変更点については NEWS を参照してください。
インストール方法は INSTALL に記述されています。