Release notes - Hopsworks - Version 0.7.0
- [HOPSWORKS-713] - Tame setup-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-801] - Jupyter application view/kill buttons not visible in low resolutions
- [HOPSWORKS-803] - Add Elastic dependency to Berksfile in hops-hadoop-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-805] - Add rm dependency to nm in hops-hadoop-chef karamelfile
- [HOPSWORKS-807] - fix yarn.nodemanager.aux-services in mapred-site.xml
- [HOPSWORKS-808] - fix hops cluster definition in karamel-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-812] - TensorBoard poller running too often
- [HOPSWORKS-815] - Mail sent from dataset request addresses wrong user
- [HOPSWORKS-820] - Only one instance of JAXBContext should be created per JobConfiguration.
- [HOPSWORKS-823] - Jupyter cleanup for Project deletion never worked
- [HOPSWORKS-824] - [conda-chef] Template conda repo only if provided for hops-system environment
- [HOPSWORKS-825] - Review projectmember removal and jobs
- [HOPSWORKS-830] - conda hops-system env fails the upgrade from 0.6.* to 0.7.0
- [HOPSWORKS-833] - NPE when getting the state of CertificateMaterializer
- [HOPSWORKS-843] - TensorBoard cleans up certificates twice
- [HOPSWORKS-847] - Add Sparkmagic support for utf-8 chars in configuration file
- [HOPSWORKS-661] - JWT for REST API endpoints
- [HOPSWORKS-733] - Refactor JobService to use JAXB and SparkConfiguration
- [HOPSWORKS-745] - Make spark compatible with hopsHive
- [HOPSWORKS-765] - Base classes for REST API
- [HOPSWORKS-679] - [kagent-chef] Use Anaconda environment for kagent
- [HOPSWORKS-728] - Support Random Search in hops-util-py
- [HOPSWORKS-750] - Jupyter server should use the project conda env
- [HOPSWORKS-767] - Support for installing multiple library versions with pip
- [HOPSWORKS-780] - [ePipe] InodeIds are long starting from HopsFS
- [HOPSWORKS-793] - TensorBoard in Experiments service too long lived
- [HOPSWORKS-800] - Commands executor service
- [HOPSWORKS-810] - Avoid launching a subprocess to read Hadoop classpath
- [HOPSWORKS-811] - Lazy Conda environment creation
- [HOPSWORKS-813] - Speed up TensorBoard in Experiments service
- [HOPSWORKS-831] - [ePipe] Use Uint64 as the processing index instead of long
- [HOPSWORKS-683] - From hops the inode id is a long
- [HOPSWORKS-735] - update steps for enabling 2-factor from profile
- [HOPSWORKS-749] - [hopsworks-chef] Add 0.7.0 flyway sql files
- [HOPSWORKS-787] - Deploy Hopsworks artifacts on the maven repo
- [HOPSWORKS-834] - Update ndb cookbook to deploy 7.6.8
- [HOPSWORKS-842] - Bump hops version for hops-util and hops-examples