Release 1.3.0
Release notes - Hopsworks - Version 1.3.0
- [HOPSWORKS-1382] - Placeholders for auditing REST API requests
- [HOPSWORKS-1471] - Increase MaxNoOfTriggers and MaxNoOfFiredTriggers to delete large no of FKs
- [HOPSWORKS-1545] - Handle cases where Elasticsearch is down
- [HOPSWORKS-1546] - ruby tests
- [HOPSWORKS-1556] - Kafka controller fixes
- [HOPSWORKS-1557] - Dataset menu hidden as browser is not scrollable
- [HOPSWORKS-1558] - dataset - share with cluster - fails
- [HOPSWORKS-1559] - Truncate conda commands before upgrading to 1.1.0
- [HOPSWORKS-1560] - Fix migration of datasets (HOPSWORKS-295)
- [HOPSWORKS-1561] - Restrict access to elasticsearch data directory to elastic user
- [HOPSWORKS-1563] - Schema of a shared topic is shown in one line
- [HOPSWORKS-1565] - Removing a shared dataset removes it also from the source project
- [HOPSWORKS-1566] - provenance elastic client - index not found exception not handled
- [HOPSWORKS-1568] - Installing Node.js must work for airgapped deployments
- [HOPSWORKS-1569] - Can't deploy with disable password login flag set to true
- [HOPSWORKS-1578] - epipe operation fail on missing index
- [HOPSWORKS-1579] - Align services on the project service nav bar
- [HOPSWORKS-1581] - [hops-hadoop-log] Touch hadoop.log with correct ownership and permissions
- [HOPSWORKS-1583] - Incorrect path for PYSPARK_ARCHIVES_PATH in
- [HOPSWORKS-1589] - Cannot upload to a shared dataset
- [HOPSWORKS-1590] - Kafka advertised listeners external port conflict among brokers
- [HOPSWORKS-1596] - Incorrect sklearn logs format
- [HOPSWORKS-1599] - Cannot start/stop services from admin UI due to missing CommunicationController property
- [HOPSWORKS-1600] - Services Status enum missing INIT state of kagent
- [HOPSWORKS-1601] - Append projectId to topic name in kafka tour to avoid clashes with other topics
- [HOPSWORKS-1603] - Kagent JWTHelper should retry in case of hopsworks authentication failure
- [HOPSWORKS-1604] - In hops python library, the s3 connector tries to read parquet files as type avro
- [HOPSWORKS-1609] - [ePipe] Fix version conflicts in Elasticsearch
- [HOPSWORKS-1612] - Can't view directories with name url encoded
- [HOPSWORKS-1616] - Hopsworks ear download URL is incorrect when installing with Kubernetes
- [HOPSWORKS-1619] - Can't zip/unzip directories with name containing url encoded chars
- [HOPSWORKS-1631] - [tensorflow-chef] Kernel-devel not installed correctly on some Centos flavors
- [HOPSWORKS-1636] - [hops-hadoop-chef] Configuration key in force renew-service-tokens script is wrong
- [HOPSWORKS-1637] - Papermill creates connection file without kernel_id in the filename which breaks notebook versioning
- [HOPSWORKS-1643] - Filebeat kagent multiline property is not configured for new ELK 7.2
- [HOPSWORKS-1645] - duplicate class in hopswoks-common
- [HOPSWORKS-1646] - Leftover state when updating experiments table
- [HOPSWORKS-1650] - Search does not work when in a service other than Data Sets
- [HOPSWORKS-1653] - Error from Provenance when sharing dataset to target project name including upper case characters
- [HOPSWORKS-1654] - Feature store page stuck in loading view if project name contains upper case letters
- [HOPSWORKS-1663] - ePipe crashes after rerunning featurestore tour job
- [HOPSWORKS-1664] - Shared dataset showing up in move and copy modals without project-origin prefix
- [HOPSWORKS-1669] - Only chief worker should return wrapper return value in distributed training
- [HOPSWORKS-1679] - Pin version of Java used in Berksfile
- [HOPSWORKS-1682] - Downloading a file results in renamed file with the full path prefixed in the filename
- [HOPSWORKS-1684] - [hops-util-py] nvidia-ml-py should be included in install_requires, remove tensorflow-gpu
- [HOPSWORKS-1685] - Livy server should start after ResourceManager
- [HOPSWORKS-1686] - Calling create training dataset with non existing storage connector doesn't fail
- [HOPSWORKS-1690] - nvml_monitor fails when devices does not support device calls
- [HOPSWORKS-1696] - Increase timeout for listing conda environments when creating projects
- [HOPSWORKS-1699] - OOM Exceptions when parsing feature store metadata in hops-util-py
- [HOPSWORKS-1703] - Create training dataset endpoint does not return full entity of the new training dataset
- [HOPSWORKS-1704] - fetching schema and data preview not working in featurestore shared with another project
- [HOPSWORKS-1706] - Use system's nameserver for DNS service discovery
- [HOPSWORKS-1707] - Activating users using User-Admin broken
- [HOPSWORKS-1708] - When sharing a featurestore dataset training dataset should also be shared
- [HOPSWORKS-1710] - Add permission inheritance configuration to hive-site
- [HOPSWORKS-1712] - epipe provenance - failure on project creation failure/cleanup
- [HOPSWORKS-1713] - Fix integration test
- [HOPSWORKS-1714] - Set default HopsFS umask to 0027
- [HOPSWORKS-1715] - Create feature group from the UI does not work
- [HOPSWORKS-1717] - New project members are not added to shared datasets' groups
- [HOPSWORKS-1719] - Logs/Spark directory has 750 permissions, only project owner can see application logs
- [HOPSWORKS-1720] - Better handling of Null when getting a non existing variable from the API
- [HOPSWORKS-1721] - add visibility level to variables
- [HOPSWORKS-1722] - Test missing JWT annotation.
- [HOPSWORKS-1723] - Deleting a training dataset from featurestore UI does not delete the parent folder of the dataset
- [HOPSWORKS-1727] - download nccl from s3 url broken
- [HOPSWORKS-1729] - Disable SELinux for Community Edition
- [HOPSWORKS-1731] - Data scientists cannot install Python libs due to kibana permissions error
- [HOPSWORKS-1734] - Prometheus retention time too high for development
- [HOPSWORKS-1737] - Fix search for non demo projects
- [HOPSWORKS-1740] - HopsKafkaAdminClient initialisation fails if kafka is down/unreachable and then never recovers
- [HOPSWORKS-1744] - Multiple Consul masters are in bootstrap mode
- [HOPSWORKS-1749] - update featurestore search tests to new tag endpoints
- [HOPSWORKS-1757] - Update Maggy ablation example notebook with fix for TF pickling issue
- [HOPSWORKS-1760] - using RELEASE for mvn artifact breaks build
- [HOPSWORKS-1764] - Ensure base url is reset after setting it to empty.
- [HOPSWORKS-1767] - Race condition in certificate removal
- [HOPSWORKS-1770] - epipe - reindex featurestore (featuregroups/training datasets)
- [HOPSWORKS-1774] - [hops-util-py] Experiment directory should be cleaned up if Spark job is rerun
- [HOPSWORKS-1775] - Bump experiments and models test job memory configuration
- [HOPSWORKS-1777] - Hopsworks airflow operator should check also for the am status
- [HOPSWORKS-1793] - Increase certificate keysize
- [HOPSWORKS-1799] - Is kubernetes enabled is not evaluated correctly in front-end after variables service refactoring
- [HOPSWORKS-1818] - Kakfa broker env variable not available in jobs
- [HOPSWORKS-1537] - Drop support for python 2.7 base environments
- [HOPSWORKS-1607] - Move Entity beans to hopsworks-persistence
- [HOPSWORKS-1615] - Build hops-util-py documentation in python 3.6 environment
- [HOPSWORKS-1665] - Add scope for search
New Feature
- [HOPSWORKS-1345] - New query planner for featurestore
- [HOPSWORKS-1405] - Add proper service discovery
- [HOPSWORKS-1571] - Python client API for uploading files via the REST API
- [HOPSWORKS-1618] - [ePipe] Use boost::log library to implement proper logging
- [HOPSWORKS-1652] - GCP and Azure Support for Hopsworks Enterprise Installer
- [HOPSWORKS-1661] - add feature store tag table
- [HOPSWORKS-1667] - add new featurestore index to elastic
- [HOPSWORKS-1675] - Support for adding tags to featuregroups and training datasets
- [HOPSWORKS-1680] - [EE] Python jobs
- [HOPSWORKS-1697] - Passwrod recovery for clusters created by Hopsworks-cloud
- [HOPSWORKS-1409] - Make storage policy configurable
- [HOPSWORKS-1503] - REST API - Admin - Services
- [HOPSWORKS-1532] - No need to mount an S3 bucket for the certificates in Databricks
- [HOPSWORKS-1552] - Add S3/Redshift feature store get started notebooks
- [HOPSWORKS-1562] - Improve databricks docs for the feature store
- [HOPSWORKS-1567] - Add a confirmation when sharing a kafka topic with another project
- [HOPSWORKS-1584] - add inferSchema when importing csv feature groups from S3
- [HOPSWORKS-1588] - Fixing default values for parameters in Hops & NDB cookbooks
- [HOPSWORKS-1617] - Improve for single-host cloud installations (non localhost)
- [HOPSWORKS-1622] - Add proxy attribute for pip.conf
- [HOPSWORKS-1629] - Add hopsworks read the docs link on the sidebar
- [HOPSWORKS-1647] - hops-util-py should allow disabling of Hostname verification in the featurestore.connect method
- [HOPSWORKS-1662] - Parameterize JWT token location
- [HOPSWORKS-1668] - Add API key annotations for StorageConnectorService to make requests from AWS
- [HOPSWORKS-1670] - Replace withColumn with select when attaching prov metadata to feature groups
- [HOPSWORKS-1676] - Make maggy version configurable in chef
- [HOPSWORKS-1678] - Extend training dataset endpoint to save train-test split information as metadata
- [HOPSWORKS-1689] - Allow maggy to be installed by git URL
- [HOPSWORKS-1698] - Fix hops-hadoop-chef to fix logging Issue with ClusterJ
- [HOPSWORKS-1718] - Start service health checks with passing state
- [HOPSWORKS-1726] - Remove need to define consul::default in karamel cluster defns
- [HOPSWORKS-1728] - Register Logstash with Consul
- [HOPSWORKS-1733] - Separate HopsFS mysql user from Hopsworks MySQL user
- [HOPSWORKS-1743] - Report Hopsworks unit tests in Jenkins
- [HOPSWORKS-1746] - Full screen data preview for feature store
- [HOPSWORKS-1758] - Make email case insensitive
- [HOPSWORKS-1763] - Improve error message for Sparkmagic when driver is not reachable
- [HOPSWORKS-1766] - Increased default no of threads for NDB
- [HOPSWORKS-1781] - Reuse Service discovery client
- [HOPSWORKS-1790] - Kube-hops master untaint fails arbitrarily
- [HOPSWORKS-1092] - Set correct pygments_lexer for Spark, PySpark, SparkR and Python notebooks
- [HOPSWORKS-1344] - Remove tensorflow compile code from tensorflow-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-1493] - Upgrade Beam/Flink
- [HOPSWORKS-1522] - Update support link in Hopsworks and docs
- [HOPSWORKS-1530] - Upgrade TensorFlow to 1.15.0
- [HOPSWORKS-1572] - Add swagger API link and description in README
- [HOPSWORKS-1575] - Replace hops.readthedocs with hopsworks.readthedocs
- [HOPSWORKS-1577] - [ndb-chef] Restrict MySQL connections to localhost for localhost installations
- [HOPSWORKS-1582] - Add a new db user for Kafka
- [HOPSWORKS-1586] - Improve documentation for projects and datasets multitenancy
- [HOPSWORKS-1593] - Add documentation for Python service
- [HOPSWORKS-1605] - Disable selenium tests that are failing
- [HOPSWORKS-1608] - [ePipe] Change the epipe log file to include current date and time
- [HOPSWORKS-1611] - Tensorflow::default fails to install avro-python3 due to upstream changes
- [HOPSWORKS-1614] - Move chef attributes of kafka db credentias under kafka
- [HOPSWORKS-1621] - Upgrade sparkmagic to 0.15.0
- [HOPSWORKS-1628] - Bump ruby to 2.5 for integration tests
- [HOPSWORKS-1635] - Update Maggy Example notebooks
- [HOPSWORKS-1639] - Remove ubuntu 16.04 from the documentation
- [HOPSWORKS-1644] - Install tensorflow model server from hosted .deb file instead of apt-get
- [HOPSWORKS-1648] - Show feature groups/training dataset/feature details in a sidebar
- [HOPSWORKS-1649] - Add example notebooks to setup Databricks with Hopsworks Feature Store
- [HOPSWORKS-1659] - Bump Anaconda installer to 2020.02
- [HOPSWORKS-1660] - Bump hops dependency in Hopsworks and utils
- [HOPSWORKS-1666] - Turn on by default NodeManager's hardware capabilities detection
- [HOPSWORKS-1673] - Improve how ruby is installed in karamel-chef for Hopsworks tests
- [HOPSWORKS-1674] - Remove redundant BeamFlink job type in Hopsworks
- [HOPSWORKS-1687] - Allow installation of Hops without service discovery
- [HOPSWORKS-1701] - Add enterprise and kubernetes Settings variable
- [HOPSWORKS-1709] - Do no include Hops jars with Livy distribution
- [HOPSWORKS-1725] - Upgrade pyarrow in hops-util-py
- [HOPSWORKS-1738] - Pin WTForms to 2.2.1
- [HOPSWORKS-1739] - [kube-hops-chef] Force k8s use FQDN as node name
- [HOPSWORKS-1753] - Change download URL for Hopsworks artifacts
- [HOPSWORKS-1754] - Add option to disable metadata designer from the UI
- [HOPSWORKS-1756] - strict resource usage should be disabled by default
- [HOPSWORKS-1765] - Replace archiva and nexus urls
- [HOPSWORKS-1779] - Remove master-kube branch from hopsworks-chef
- [HOPSWORKS-1783] - Increase centos box disk space
- [HOPSWORKS-1787] - Bump hops dependencies to