This directory includes the supplementary artefact for the paper Iris-Wasm: Robust and Modular Verification of WebAssembly Programs, a submission to the 44th ACM SIGPLAN Symposium on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI 2023).
Once the project has been compiled (see step-by-step instructions), the proofs can be browsed using Emacs and Proof General. For example,
emacs theories/iris/examples/iris_examples.v
opens the file containing some direct examples of using the program logic in Emacs. Other proofs can be browsed similarly.
For some basic testing, the key stack example described in the paper resides in theories/iris/examples/stack/
, with each of its module function implemented and verified in an individual file under theories/iris/examples/stack/function/
. We invite the reviewers to run through the code and the fully-proved specifications of each function, which are omitted in the paper due to space constraint. The stack module stack_module
itself is implemented and verified in theories/iris/examples/stack/stack_instantiation.v
, importing its module functions.
To check against the line of code (LOC) table given in Fig. 4 (Line 736) of the paper, run make loc
which will prints out a tally of LOC as given by the cloc
command for each subdirectory under theories/iris/
. Note that the examples
folder contains both the examples and stack entry in the table, which is the correct sum (11541 = 2754 + 8787). This command uses cloc
, which can be installed via:
apt install cloc
The project can be installed using opam.
We recommend creating a new switch to start from a clean environment. We have compiled the project with version 4.14.2. The following code creates a switch with the necessary version:
opam switch create iris-wasm-artifact-switch ocaml.4.14.2
Depending on the opam configuration, it may be necessary to manually switch to the newly created switch:
opam switch iris-wasm-artifact-switch
eval $(opam env --switch iris-wasm-artifact-switch --set-switch)
The following code fetches all necessary dependencies from opam and compiles the development:
opam repo add coq-released
opam install .
If all necessary packages are present in the opam environment, the development can also be compiled by running
Compiling the development requires at least 8GB of RAM and may take over 30 minutes.
Browsing proofs can be done conveniently in emacs. For example:
esy theories/iris/examples/iris_examples.v
This opens the file containing some direct examples of using the program logic in Emacs, assuming Emacs and Proof General are installed. Other proofs can be browsed similarly. Emacs can be installed via command line:
apt install emacs
The instruction to install Proof General can be found at
Although not necessary, we also recommend installing the Company-Coq plugin for pretty printing and easier editing to the proofs. The instruction to install Company-Coq can be found at Company-Coq is pre-installed in the VM image provided.
If running make
fails, the issue is likely a missing package in opam, or a package with the wrong version. Check what version of each package opam has registered by running opam list
. A list of necessary packages and the requirements on their versions can be found in the dune-project
file; in case of a discrepancy, the correct version can be manually installed.
Missing packages, or packages with the wrong version, can be installed manually using opam install
. For instance, to get the correct version of coq-iris
or mdx
, run:
opam install coq-iris.4.3.0
opam install mdx.2.5.0
Some packages are in the coq-released
repository; in order to let opam know where to fetch these, before running opam install
opam repo add coq-released
A shorthand to install all missing dependencies and compile the development is:
opam install .
When browsing the proofs in Emacs + Proof General, a warning on boolean coercion will pop up in the Coq response prompt when the theorem prover runs past the imports. This is because two of our dependencies, ssreflect and stdpp, each implements its own coercion of Bool into Prop, resulting in ambiguous coercion paths. However, this can be safely ignored since the two implementations are essentially the same.
This artefact is a fully-verified implementation in Coq of the program logic proposed in the paper supporting all claims of the paper. Some simplification has been made in the presentation of the paper for space constraints, and we have tried our best to highlight all such differences in the section Differences with Paper
in the end.
We invite the reviewer to compare the key claims made in the paper against the code for a demonstration of completeness. We suggest starting from the stack example, which is the main running example in the paper, and then the other examples and the implementation of the program logic itself if interested. The detailed locations and an outline of them can be found under the Structure
section below.
The remaining part of this readme aims to explain the structure of the artefact, and provide directories and paths to locate the items that have appeared in the paper.
For each figure and theorem in the paper, we provide the approximate paths, names, and line numbers (where applicable), under theories/
, to indicate the location of them in the code. We also provide a general pointer for each subsection in Section 2 and Section 3 for the related files in the codebase. For a detailed breakdown of the code structure, see the Structure
section later.
Location in Paper | Location in Code |
Fig. 1 | iris/examples/stack/stack_instantiation.v (stack_module , line 34), iris/examples/stack/stack_client.v (client_module , line 61) |
Fig. 2 | datatypes.v |
Section 2.1 | iris/language/iris.v , iris/rules/iris_rules_pure.v |
Section 2.2 | iris/rules/ , iris/examples/stack/function/push.v |
Section 2.3 | iris/rules/ , iris/examples/stack/function/stack_map.v |
Section 3 | iris/host/ , iris/instantiation/ , iris/examples/stack/ |
Fig. 3 | iris/iris_host.v |
Lemma 3.1 | iris/instantiation/iris_instantiation.v (instantiation_wasm_spec , line 3711) |
Fig. 5 | iris/examples/stack/stack_robust.v (client_module , line 43; stack_adv_client_instantiate , line 503) |
Section 5 | iris/logrel/ , iris/examples/stack/ |
Theorem 5.1 | iris/logrel/iris_interp_instance_alloc.v (interp_instance_alloc , line 1978) |
Theorem 5.2 | iris/examples/stack/stack_robust.v (instantiate_client , line 512) |
Theorem 5.3 | iris/examples/stack/function/{push/pop/new_stack.v} (valid_{push/pop/new_stack} }) |
In this section, we describe the structure of the implementation.
Our work uses the mechanisation of WebAssembly 1.0 by Watt et al. in Two Mechanisations of WebAssembly, FM21. As a result, our work inherits many files from Watt et al's mechanisised proofs. These files are located directly under theories
and are not claimed as part of contributions of this paper. We bring up the files most related to our work for completeness:
contains all the basic WebAssembly data types definitions; -
defines the operational semantics of WebAssembly; -
defines the type system for WebAssembly instructions, closures, and stores, and configurations. -
contains the definition of the module instantiation predicate in the official specification, as well as all the sub-predicates it depends on.
We chose to leave most parts of these files intact, except for our only slight reformulation of the host function implementation by adding the AI_call_host administrative instruction (as discussed in the paper), which caused some slight adaptations.
Our contribution in this work resides almost entirely under theories/iris
Under theories/iris/language
, we fit WebAssembly language into the Iris Language framework, prepare the preambles for our program logic and logical relation.
: fits WebAssembly into an Iris Language by defining the logical values, expressions, and proving the necessary properties for them etc.; -
: sets up the necessary details to express and manipulate the memory model of the language; -
: sets up a custom weakest precondition to be used for our language, which differs slightly from the standard construct that Iris provides; defines the memory model of the language; -
: contains a proof to the adequacy of our weakest precondition; -
: contains a definition of which expressions are considered atmomic in Iris, and proves the definition is sound.
Under theories/iris/helpers
, we established a lot of auxiliary properties about either the WebAssembly Semantics itself, or the plugging-in version of the semantics in Iris.
Under theories/iris/rules
, we proved a vast number of proof rules that can be used to reason about WebAssembly programs. We have categorised the proof rules into a few files, according to their nature:
: contains proof rules for pure instructions, i.e. those whose reduction semantics are independent from the state (for example, thewp_binop
rule in Line 260); -
: contains proof rules for control instructions; -
: contains proof rules that directly access the state, such as memory instructions; -
: contains proof rules related to function calls; -
: contains structural proof rules to deal with sequencing of instruction sequences, possibly within evaluation contexts; -
: contains structural proof rules that allow reasoning when a part of the expression produce traps. -
: contains several bind rules for binding into evaluation contexts; -
: imports everything above, allowing users to import all proof rules at the same time more easily.
Under theories/iris/instantiation
, we build up the module instantiation resource update lemma (Lemma 2.1), which is later imported to establish the instantiation proof rule in our host language.
Under theories/iris/host
, we build our host language introduced in Section 2.4 and establish a set of proof rules for the host language required for reasoning about our examples.
Under theories/iris/logrel/
, we build a logical relation on top of the program logic we've established.
: contains the definition of all logical relations, starting from the simple relations for values and building up to sophisticated relations for module instances and expressions, contains the semantic typing definitions, and a generalised host integration record that defines the minimal requirements on a host program logic (note that it does not define restrictions on the host language itself, just the program logic). This file is the base of the logical relation. -
: each of these files contains the proof to a case of the Fundamental Theorem for one single instruction. -
: imports all the case files above and derive the Fundamental Theorem (Theorem 3.2) in the paper, and its corollaries. -
: proves the module instantiation allocates the correct Iris invariants as expected, which is used for the robust safety examples later.
Under theories/iris/examples/
, we formulated the examples for our project, some of which were discussed in the paper. We bring up the key files below:
: contains several simpler preliminary examples to help understand the program logic without involving modules and the host language. -
: contains the Landin's Knot example, where a factorial is implemented through store recursion. -
: provides the body of the functions declared in the stack module, proves a specification for them within our program logic, and proves the validity result for some of the functions; -
: defines the stack module and proves its instantiation specification. -
: defines a client module that can use imports from the stack module and proves its instantiation specification. -
: includes some useful definitions and properties that are shared across the stack example. -
: defines a more sophisticated client module that features a reentrant host call to demonstrate interoperation between the WebAssembly the the host weakest precondition. -
: defines yet another client module that imports an unknown module in addition to the stack module, and demonstrates the encapsulation property that can be obtained (discussed in Section 5). -
: similar to the above, but no known client is defined; instead an adverserial module imports the stack module. The stack invariant can still be preserved nevertheless.
The following are other examples that were not discussed in the paper.
: a simpler robust safety example, containing an example host program which instantiates an adversary module followed by a trusted module. The trusted module calls an imported function from the unknown adversary module. We then demonstrate the robust safety property, where we have local state encapsulation in the presence of unknown code. -
: contains a variation of the above example, in which the adversary module imports a host function. The example demonstrates the integration between the logical relation and the host language. -
: applies adequacy on the above example.
The definitions within our work were designed in a way that would fit best in an interactive proof environment, to facilitate sustainable engineering in the long term. Therefore, some definitions, especially the constructors of inductive and records, are either named or designed in a verbose way.
There are two major categories of differences:
In the code, we exercise a naming convention for most constructors of inductive definitions and record by adding prefixes to them, so that it is possible to deduce the source of these constructors by looking at the prefix. Oftentimes these prefixes are in acronyms of the source definition (for example, BI_
for each constructor of basic instructions).
The large records in WebAssembly often involve fields of the same type (for example, in the instance
definition, the addresses of functions
, tables
, memories
, and globals
are all immediate (isomorphic to naturals). In the code, we sometimes add another layer of constructor for each of them when unintended uses are possible (for example, looking up in tables
by using a memory
export reference).
We provide a list of some other name differences in names below:
References in Paper | Definition in Code |
Fig. 2, Instruction | datatypes.v : basic_instruction (line 301) |
Line 248, Logical value | iris/language/iris.v : val (line 15) |
Fig. 3, import variable store | iris/host/iris_host.v : vi_store (line 18) |
Fig. 3, declaration | iris/host/iris_host.v : host_e (line 26) |
Fig. 3, inst_decl |
iris/host/iris_host.v : ID_instantiate (line 27) |
Line 410, wp_local_bind |
iris/rules/iris_rules_bind.v : wp_frame_bind (line 13) |
Location in Paper | Name in Paper | Definition in Code |
Lemma 3.1 | stateInterp |
iris/language/iris_wp_def.v , gen_heap_wasm_store (line 65) |
Lemma 3.1 | resourcesImports |
iris/instantiation/iris_instantiation.v , instantiation_resources_pre_wasm (line 1468) |
Lemma 3.1, Theorem 5.1 | resources |
iris/instantiation/iris_instantiation.v , instantiation_resources_post_wasm (line 1727) |
Theorem 5.1 | I[[C]] |
iris/logrel/iris_logrel.v , interp_instance (line 291) |
Theorem 5.3 | Clos |
iris/logrel/iris_logrel.v , interp_closure (line 205) |
WP rules and frame resource : the frame resource is occasionally put under a magic wand rather than in postcondition; the two presentations are equivalent in use.
(Line 327 in paper,iris/rules/iris_rules_bind.v
in code) : the bind rule presented in the paper is intended for evaluation contexts with at least one label, and it is thus required thates
constitutes the full base layer inlh[es]
(i.e. thatlh
has an empty base layer). Similar structural rules for sequencing have also been proved. -
(Line 410 in paper,wp_frame_bind
in code) : the local bind rule requires the inner bodyes
to be reducible (ifes
were already a value, the bind is not necessary anyway, as the entire expression is already a logical value). -
(Line 591 in paper,ID_instantiate
in code) : the order of arguments are reversed compared to the paper; in Coq it goesID_instantiate exports modules imports
which follows a style closer to the JS-Wasm API. -
Theorem 5.1: Note that the theorem in Coq code (
) is actually slightly stronger, as it remembers some of the values that the instance relation binds under existential quantifiers. -
Theorem 5.1: The predicate
is only used ininterp_instance_alloc
, which is a shorthand (for readability) of the unfolded versions that map over imported functions, tables and memories, and applies the relevantinterp_*
definition on each (line 2005-2007,iris/logrel/iris_inetrp_instance_alloc
([∗ map] _↦cl ∈ wfs, interp_closure hl (cl_type cl) cl)\%I ∗
([∗ map] n↦t ∈ wts, interp_table (tab_size t) (interp_closure_pre C wfs inst hl) n) ∗
([∗ map] n↦m ∈ wms, interp_mem n)
Note again that the theorem stated and proved in Coq is stronger than theorem 5.1 is in the paper, since the globals are not assumed to be in the value relation. The reason is, that because of the assumed initialisation, validity of globals can be established in the proof itself, rather than needing to be assumed.
Theorem 5.3: This is a combination of three lemmas located in three files as stated in the Directories section:
, which are stated as one in the paper for convenience (without loss of generality). Note that there are also corresponding lemmas foris_empty
which were not described in the paper (for simplicity). -
Theorem 5.3: The
predicate refers to the Iris non-atomic invariant wrapping thestackModuleInv
definition iniris/examples/stack/stack_common.v
. Concretely, it is the statement
na_inv logrel_nais stkN (stackModuleInv (λ (a : N) (b : seq.seq i32), isStack a b m) (λ n : nat, N.of_nat m↦[wmlength] N.of_nat n))
where stkN
is a namespace defined in stack_common.v
as well. Example of this statement can be found at line 393 of iris/examples/stack/function/push.v
as a premise of valid_push