Hi there 👋, I'm Lovin Maxwell!
- 🔭 I’m currently working as an IT Software Engineer at Al Shareef Holding.
- 🌱 Always exploring new technologies and trends, currently diving deeper into state management, API integrations, and Flutter development.
- 💬 Ask me about software development, ERP solutions, or Flutter app design!
- 🤝 Open to collaboration on impactful software projects.
- 📫 How to reach me:
- 😄 Pronouns: Ms. Precious
- ⚡ Fun fact: I thrive on building solutions that make processes seamless and efficient.
- Proficient: Python, Dart, C#, JavaScript, TypeScript
- Frameworks/Tools: Flutter, React, Angular, ASP.NET Core, Entity Framework, WPF
- Expertise: ASP.NET Core Web APIs, RESTful APIs, Microservices architecture, SAP integration
- Database Management: SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MySQL
- Experience with: Microsoft Azure, AWS, CI/CD pipelines
- Frameworks: Frappe, ERPNext
- Modules: Inventory, Procurement, HR, Accounting, Sales, Project Management
- State Management: GetX, Provider
- Local Storage: Hive, Shared Preferences
- UI/UX Tools: AutoRoute, Custom Dashboards, Theming
- Reporting Tools: PowerBI, Microsoft Graph API
Thanks for visiting my profile! 🚀 Let's build something amazing together!