Spectral Stacking utilities
First, download some data to do stacking. Let's grab the GBT Ammonia survey data on NGC 1333 from this webpage
Next, let's load the data as a spectral cube:
cube = SpectralCube.read('NGC1333_NH3_11_DR1_rebase3_trim.fits')
cube = cube.with_spectral_unit(u.km / u.s, velocity_convention='radio')
Next, let's generate two maps. The mom0
is the integrated intensity that we will use to weight our average and mom1
is an estimate of where the centre of the line is. Here, we'll take this to be where the spectrum is at a maximum.
mom0 = cube.moment0()
# Stack on peak velocity
mom1 = cube.spectral_axis[cube.argmax(axis=0).ravel()]
mom1.shape = mom0.shape
Next, we'll create a label map by looking at 60-100th percentiles of the data and assigning each position in the map to that bin. Your label map can vary:
pcts = np.nanpercentile(mom0.value,
np.linspace(60, 100, 5))
bins = np.digitize(mom0.value, pcts)
bins[bins==5] = 0
Note that we have the convention that labels with a value of 0 are not included in the stack (i.e., they are "background"). This makes a map that looks like this:
Next, let's stack! We pass in the data
, the bins we want stacked spectra in (bins
) and the estimate of where the centre of the spectrum should be (mom1
stack, labelvals = stacking.BinByLabel(cube, bins, mom1,
Finally, we can plot the average spectra:
for d in stack:
plt.plot(d['spectral_axis'],d['spectrum'], label="Label={0}".format(d['label']))
plt.xlabel('Spectral axis ({0})'.format(cube.spectral_axis.unit.to_string()))
plt.ylabel('Brightness ({0})'.format(cube.unit.to_string()))