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OpenTitan Provisioning Infrastructure

Getting Started

System Requirements

Currently, Ubuntu 22.04LTS is the only supported development environment. There are build container instructions available for other OS distributions.

Install Dependencies

Install dependencies via This will run apt to install system-level dependencies, and install bazelisk, a Bazel wrapper that simplifies version selection.

Add bazelisk to PATH

Make sure to add ${GOPATH}/bin to your path, e.g.:

$ export PATH="$PATH:$(go env GOPATH)/bin"

Runing Build Commands

To build and run all tests:

$ bazelisk test //...

To run integration test cases:

$ ./

To format the code before submitting changes:

$ bazelisk run //quality:buildifier_fix
$ bazelisk run //quality:clang_format_fix
$ bazelisk run //quality:gofmt_fix
$ bazelisk run //quality:protolint_fix

To run only the lint checks locally that are also run in CI:

$ bazelisk test //quality/...

Note: these are also run automatically when running all tests above.

GitHub Releases

The release process assumes you have your git and GitHub CLI credentials in $HOME/.git and $HOME/.config/gh repsectively.

  1. Commit your changes.

  2. Create a tag locally before running the build command.

    git tag ${OT_GIT_TAG}
  3. Run the release command. util/ captures the git tag in the binaries when using the --stamp build flag.

    $ bazelisk run --stamp //release -- ${OT_GIT_TAG} -p

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