This project has the API Rest that receive numbers from multiple services using the RabbitMQ.
To run this project, you need to install the Docker and Docker Compose.
There are five services in this project:
- Even numbers: service responsible for generate the even numbers when requested
- Odd numbers: service responsible for generate the odd numbers when requested
- Publish numbers: service responsbile for request number from even numbers service and odd numbers service at each 500 milliseconds and publish the numbers bigger than 100000
- Api consumer: service responsible for consume the numbers that was publish by publish numbers service and added the number inside the database
- Api: service that has the API service to list all the numbers generated
To set up the container, you need to execute:
docker-compose build
This command will build the all containers that need to run
You can run all services with one single command:
docker-compose up
So this command will start all containers at once
To get the list of numbers that already was generated:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/numbers
The response will be something like:
"count": 198,
"data": [
156702, 192604, 229140, 230010, 192722, 364070, 497388, 977000, 176412, 161102, 433570, 168510, 311520, 207270, 486312, 116482, 422206, 176548, 103734, 573000
This response is paginate. So, to navegate between the pages you need to execute the command:
curl -X GET http://localhost:8000/numbers -d offset=20 -d limit=20
Now, you will get the numbers from the 20th until the 40th number
You can access the API documentation and execute requests to the API by http://localhost:8000/apidocs/
To check the lint of code
make lint
To execute the unit tests
make tests