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polyRAD v1.6

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@lvclark lvclark released this 16 Feb 16:00
· 133 commits to main since this release

polyRAD 1.6 as it appears on CRAN. This will probably be the last minor release before polyRAD 2.0.

Changes in v1.6

TestOverdispersion now prints a helpful suggestion for which overdispersion
parameter to use, as well as returning that value in its output.
The use of qqman has been eliminated from the vignettes.

ExpectedHindHe, ExpectedHindHeMapping, and SimAlleleDepth now have a contamRate
parameter to simulate sample cross contamination when sampling allelic read
depth, and an errorRate parameter to simulate sequencing error.

A bug has been fixed in Export_GWASpoly so that special characters in sample
names are not converted to periods.