A 3D Engine.
- Install glew library
- Get the bullet3 and glm source code and extract them, it's recommended to extract them in same directory where the reindeer source dir exists.
- Execute this in a terminal emulator:
$ mkdir <reindeer_path>/build
$ cd <reindeer_path>/build
- If the bullet3 and glm source code are in the recommended path:
$ cmake ..
- If the bullet3 or glm source code in custom path set it with -DBULLET_SRC_DIR or -DGLM_SRC_DIR. Example:
$ cmake -DBULLET_SRC_DIR=<bullet_custom_path> ..
- Then make it:
$ make -j 4
Some configurations like resolution etc are still currently hard-coded in src/core/config.cpp file. Sorry.
It's included in examples directory and automatically built with project. Execute it from the build directory with:
- port direct3d 11
- lighting
- texture
- shadow
- fog
- animation
- editor, cool examples: unity3d, paradox3d
- This is a good sample of game engine goal: what-are-the-design-goals-of-the-turbulenz-engine