- Distro: Artix by the Community
- Service manager & init system: dinit by davmac314
- Compositor: Hyprland by vaxerski
- Widgets: ironbar by JakeStanger
- Terminal: Alacritty by jwilm
- Editor: Helix by helix-editor
- Qt Theme: Mocha by Catppuccin
- GTK Theme: Mocha by Catppuccin
- Icon Theme: Papirus Dark by daniruiz
- Fonts: Jetbrains Mono by JetBrains
- Wallpaper: Cat Waves by elkrien
- Animations: illogical_impulse by end-4
- Change volume slider orientation in a volume popup box
- Fix text backround in a volume popup box
- Make the days of the other months dimmed in a calendar popup box
- Fix border radius of notifications button (border-radius and padding settings don't apply for some reason)
Fix the nautilus shortcut so it opens (for some reason it doesn't)- Fix tray (when there are no children it still creates a thin vertical bar in the background color)
- Add a language/keyboard layout button
- Make indication dots and bars for applications (like in Windows 11)
Change font in Qt and GTK applications (Jetbrains Mono looks a bit strange here)- Try to implement blur