Air Quality Monitor utilizing Java and an Arduino (jSerialComm)
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As we are currently still fighting the COVID-19 pandemic, I thought it would be a no-brainer to build an air quality monitoring system, as monitoring CO2 levels in a space is a great way to determine if the space is adequately ventilated. Good ventilation is key in the fight against COVID, and my project is instrumental in pushing the cause to improve ventilation in indoor spaces.
Air quality monitors (CO2 Sensors) are commonly used to determine the “freshness” of air. Now relevant more than ever, as COVID is airborne, they can be used to determine if a space is being sufficiently ventilated. The consensus is that if the CO2 levels in a space are higher than 800ppm, the space needs better airflow. My project focuses on displaying real time CO2 levels in different ways, and to allow the user to manipulate the airflow in a setting, so that insufficiently ventilated spaces can have their airflow improved.
● Acquire real-time CO2 levels in ppm and TVOC (Total Volatile Organic Compounds) levels in ppb from VOC and eCO2 Gas Sensor (SGP30)
● Acquire real-time temperature and relative humidity data from Temp/Humidity sensor (DHT11)
● Print real-time CO2 level, TVOC level, temp and humidity to OLED display (SSD1315)
● Send real-time CO2 levels over serial port interface, so Java can be utilised
● Plot real-time CO2 levels using JavaFX library
● Allow user to turn on Fan (DC Motor)/future accompanying ventilation system through JavaFX GUI, and turn on LED and sound buzzer while fan is running
● Seeedstudio Grove Arduino UNO compatible board (1x)
● Grove OLED Display 0.96 inch - SGP1315 (1x)
● Grove VOC and eCO2 Gas Sensor (Air Quality Sensor) - SGP30 (1x)
● Grove Temperature and Humidity Sensor - DHT11 (1x)
● LED (1x)
● Buzzer (1x)
● DC Motor (1x)
● DC Motor Driver Components (1x PN2222 Transistor, 1x 1N4001 diode, 1x 270 Ohm Resistor, 1x Breadboard)
Diagram of the system and its associated components
Coming into this project, my idea was to display CO2 values on the Grove OLED display, using the Firmata4j library. However, I quickly realised that due to limitations with Firmata4j, this would not be very easy. Although the OLED, which is an I2C device, is natively supported by this library, the SGP30 sensor is not natively supported by the library. I took a few different approaches to trying to solve this problem, which I’ll go through.
The first thing I tried was attempting to create an I2C driver for the SGP sensor so that I could contain all of the processing in Java, over Firmata. I found a library called Diozero that looked very promising. However, after some digging and with confirmation from the developer of the library (thank you, Matthew Lewis!) I found out that the SGP30 sensor relies on raw I2C read/write instructions and that Firmata wouldn’t work to interface with this sensor (see: mattjlewis/diozero#92 ). So, back to the drawing board.
After this, I went back to brainstorming. My next idea was to use a second arduino board (pictured below, along with the Grove Board) to act as a dedicated device with the SGP30 sensor connected to it, with the sole purpose of outputting real-time CO2 levels over a serial port, so that I could use jSerialComm to obtain this value and still use Firmata on the grove board for the display, and other components. However, as pictured below, I ran into some unexpected errors with having multiple arduinos connected to the same system (and polling both for serial data). Only one serial port would open at once, which meant that I would only be able to obtain a CO2 value from the second arduino, or I would be able to interface with the grove board. Doing both at the same time wasn’t an option. Feeling hopeless, I decided to go back to brainstorming.
Surely this’ll work....
Nope. Nevermind. Not happening.
At this point, I already invested so much time into this idea, so I really wanted to follow through with it. I decided to create a custom Arduino program, and use jSerialComm (a serial library) on the Java end. This allowed me to use an existing SGP30 library that I could load onto the grove board. This option was far more successful, and it really made me wish that it was the first thing I tried (but at least I learned a lot with my first two attempts!).
So, my final project basically operates like this: CO2 data is sent over the serial bus, where jSerialComm reads the value and will graph it in real time and display values on a table using the JavaFX library. The GUI window created by JavaFX also has two buttons on it, which allows the user to turn a fan (motor) on/off, by sending a value over the serial bus which the grove board is constantly looking for. While the fan is running, a buzzer and LED will sound to alert others. Simultaneously, the OLED is being constantly updated with CO levels and temperature/humidity levels from the SGP30 sensor and DHT sensor. The end result is a fully fledged air quality monitoring station, that gives the user the ability to increase ventilation based on the real time CO2 levels.
I’m glad I didn’t give up and think of a new idea after my first attempt, as I learned a lot reading through all the documentation for Diozero and Firmata4J when attempting to create my own sensor driver. I hope that I can come back to this original attempt later when I have more programming experience, and attempt to create a driver for the SGP30 that works with Firmata4J, but I’m not really on that level yet, unfortunately.
My testing process was quite simple. For the temperature/humidity sensor, I opened the window and slowly saw the temperature and humidity dropping (it’s getting cold!), and for the CO2/TVOC sensor, I blew into the sensor (as we exhale CO2) and saw the values start rising rapidly. I also wanted to see how well ventilated my room was with the HVAC system turned off, and, well,
I hope that YorkU is doing a better job with ventilation than my current setup. :)
I also tested the JavaFX chart and table with the same testing methodology:
As you can see, this is working as desired. The turn fan on/off buttons also work just fine, as I will demonstrate in the video.
When I found out that the SGP30 sensor wouldn’t play nicely with Firmata4j, I was definitely disappointed. I was thinking of just making a simple weather monitoring station with the DHT11 sensor, this wouldn’t be complex enough and would not satisfy the requirements of the major project (and it wouldn’t be cool!). I also wanted to plot real-time CO2 values in Toronto from a different data source on the real time chart to compare the values, but could not find a free API that provided this data. I was definitely ready to give up and switch my idea when I found out that Firmata4J would not support the SGP30 sensor natively, but (as cliche as it sounds) not giving up ended up paying off in the end.
I believe the best part of my project is how relevant it is today, and the expandability it has. Obviously, COVID is airborne, and better ventilation to ensure fresher air is key in preventing the spread of this virus. Implementing CO2 sensors in closed spaces is useful enough on its own to help determine which rooms require better ventilation, but the great thing here is that there is so much room for expansion. For example, the board/code can be reconfigured to enable an air purifier with the use of a MOSFET/relay when the CO2 levels drop below the 800ppm threshold. Even in its current state, it is a very useful tool as it can alert people in a closed space if the air is “dirty” enough to allow the spread of COVID, so they can take steps to correct the issue (e.g, by turning the fan on). It can also be used as a long-term monitoring tool to detect trends in CO2 levels over a long period of time, to identify times of the day where CO2 levels become troublesomely high. CO2 sensors like my project should be in every classroom/lecture hall at York, even if ventilation improvements were made in preparation for our return to campus back in February. This is so that if any ventilation system fails, there is an obvious indication available as soon as possible, and it could be remedied temporarily with this backup system. I believe this project, even in its current state, is very relevant in a number of social and environmental aspects, and there is a lot of room to build upon it for those who desire more.
Although I went through an emotional rollercoaster when working through this project, I am proud of the end result I achieved and I believe that the journey I went through strengthened my coding skills and solidified what I learned over this semester. My project turned out better than I thought as it ended up being a lot more versatile than I originally envisioned (the addition of the real-time CO2 levels JavaFX chart was a later addition, and brought a whole new aspect of long-term CO2 monitoring to the project). I’m glad I chose to undertake the challenge of completing the major project, and I do not regret my decision at all.
Indoor CO2 sensors for COVID-19 risk mitigation. National Collaborating Centre for Environmental Health. (2021, May 19). Retrieved December 3, 2021, from 0Sensors%20for%20COVID%20MAY%2017%202021.pdf.
Smith, J. A. (2021, May 14). Fighting COVID with Ventilation. York University. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from on/.
Jimenez, J.-L. (2020, August 25). Covid-19 is transmitted through aerosols. we need to adapt. Time. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from
Marr, L., Miller, S., Prather, K., Haas, C., Bahnfleth, W., Corsi, R., Tang, J., Herrmann, H., Pollitt, K., Ballester, J., & Jiminez, J.-L. (n.d.). FAQs on protecting yourself from aerosol transmission. Retrieved December 3, 2021, from Uumn8m0pwzo/edit.
Thank you to Matthew Lewis (maintainer of the Diozero project) for confirming my suspicions, especially when I thought I was going crazy!
Thank you to Richard Robinson and James Andrew Smith of York University for providing the (which I edited quite substantially) and the code, to help interface with jSerialComm!