Dotfiles repository managed by chezmoi.
- Supports macOS and Debian(Ubuntu) Linux for containerization only
- zsh and ohmyzsh theme based on agnoster
- Visual Studio Code
- Include python(pyenv, poetry), node(nvm), go(gvm), rust, sdkman(jvm langs)
- Include exa, jq, fd(fd-find), rg(ripgrep-all), fzf
Just execute
You can pass options like below
[email protected] ./
: Your email. Used for configuring git(.gitconfig)DOTFILES_INSTALL_LANG
: Whether you install languages(python, node, etc...). default falseDOTFILES_INSTALL_TOOL
: Whether you install tools(exa, tldr, etc ...). default trueDOTFILES_USE_SUDO
: If you set this option true, use sudo with $DOTFILES_PASSWORD for installing tools.DOTFILES_PASSWORD
: password for sudo.