This program is developed to complete the second final assignment for KU1102 Pengenalan Komputasi course. This program is about data analysis and visualization. Here we use dataset from Kaggle about daily trending YouTube videos in USA. The dataset we use is in csv format and additional data is in json format. Here we perform data cleaning to get data that is ready to be processed, look for statistics from several columns of data, visualize various information, such as correlations between columns, category comparisons, and top channels, also we perform linear regression of our dataset.
- Open your terminal (bash) in your dedicated folder for this repo
- Clone this repository
git clone
- Open US-Youtube-Data-Analysis-Visualization folder and upload Tugas_Besar_2_Kelompok_8.ipynb to Google Colab / Jupyter Notebook
- Run all block program
- Enjoy the program :D
Name | NIM |
Gagas Praharsa Bahar | 16520289 |
Malik Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani | 16520299 |
Alifia Rahmah | 16520309 |
Ng Kyle | 16520319 |