Hi everyone!
I am an engineer focused on methods and analysis tools for numerical analysis (FEA, CFD). I am passionate about engineering, software, innovation and my mission is to support companies in design verification and optimization and facilitate their innovation process by providing technical consultancy combined with state-of-the-art analysis methods and software tools.
In all my interests and professional activities I'd like to discover a subject, study, apply and become a master until I start to approach other “stuff."
This lead me in 2016 to start my professional activity as consultant.
Previously, I was a PhD student and research fellow at the FluidLab group at Polytechnic of Milan, my reasearch was focused mainly on fluid-structure interaction phenomena but I was involved in several side projects from erosion prediction in valves and turbine components to fluid dynamic analysis on valves.
- SimSpace: SimSpace is a pre/post-processing tool that streamlines the generation of analysis input decks for Calculix solver Calculix. It can import Step and STL geometries and provides model preparation, mesh generation with full cad-mesh associativity, analysis preparation and results post-processing. It can be easily customized and extended to produce run-ready input for additional solvers.
Fell free to contact me
- Adress: via privata Galla Placidia 12, 20131 Milano (MI), Italy
- Mail: [email protected]
- Meeting:Calendly