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🚧 This library as under development until release of version 1.x.x 🚧


I was getting tired creating implementations to save files in local or cloud. By now local and aws is supported.


I'm not a big fan of pay when I'm developing something new. This is where comes filestores idea.

This I mainly use it when in develop to use localhost to serve files and, when I deploy my project, I can configure an AWS Bucket (only option available by now), without changing many code.

How to use

Create a struct which implements filestores.Storable:

type Storable interface {
    Filename() string
    GetStoreInfo() ObjectInfo

Like this:

type StorablePicture struct {
	Id uuid.UUID
	FileHeader           *multipart.FileHeader

func (c StorablePicture) Filename() string {
	return fmt.Sprintf("%s", c.Id)

func (c StorablePicture) GetStoreInfo() filestores.ObjectInfo {
	info, _ := filestores.FileHeaderToStoreInfo(c.FileHeader)
	return info

IMPORTANT: When you implement Filename() string method remember not to put trailing slash / at the beginning of the name and without file extension. It should be a return like my/path/to/file. This may cause unintended results

And select one of the available two options:


Uses filesystem to save files. To use it you can:

func main() {
    filestore := filestores.NewFileSystem("./uploads", "http://localhost:5000")


Uses AWS S3 API to save files. It is important to know this package uses AWS Go SDK V2 and your filestores.Storable.Filename method return a valid S3 URL.

func main() {
    filestore := filestores.NewAwsBucket("aBucketNameYouWant", aws.Config{


There are two helpers to create a filestores.ObjectInfo instance need to implement filestores.Storable.GetStoreInfo. These are:

  • filestores.FileToStoreInfo
  • filestores.FileHeaderToStoreInfo


This just cover the basic need to save now.

What comes next?

I found go-cloud project which aims to do possible to use any cloud implementation using just one library. I'm thinking to implement it with filestores to reach all go-cloud supported storage services.