By generalizing IoT devices, all devices are managed as a single unit object. Devices are managed with the same method, and the view widget is different according to the user's viewing method.
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Devices are defined in three types as follows. the following combination, one device have 10 10 pieces of information which can be gathered.
It gathers input data and publish to the platforms
Input signal sensing( 0 or , max 10 inputs)
Sensor input( max 10 sensors, ex> Temperature, Humidity, etc...)
It subscribe the commands from platform and issues event at the devices like Realy controller or signal controller
Output signal( Relay Control, max 10 inputs)
It gather GPS data and publish to platform and is used as assets tracking device
GPS data
It is working based on out "Media-Server" that does streaming to somewhere. It is somehow different from above
The device uploads data in a standardized format. The following syntax applies. It is designed to upload "DATA" and "STATUS OF DEVICE"
- [number1,...,number-10], number can be "integer" and "float" type
- It can be one data like [number] and also can be be two like [number,number], max 10 number can be applied
- Arnuino Sample Cde Here
- ex>
void publishData(uint32_t now)
char szBuf[128];
sprintf(szBuf, "[%d,%d,%d,%d,%d,%d]",
_portMap[0].state, _portMap[1].state, _portMap[2].state,
_portMap[3].state, _portMap[4].state, _portMap[5].state);
publish("dev-data", szBuf);
- Any string
- ex>
publish("dev-data", "System is Ready");
- Device has "Serial Number" only.
- The data is defined at the platform by the user.( if not, default property is applied)
- "Data Field" is one of device data expression and uer can define it name or properties
- All information can be made with QR code ( commercial device only )