npm install aptpp-js
yarn add aptpp-js
const { AptDomain } = require('aptpp-js');
// opts format:
// nodeUrl : string // Node Url, for example ''
// contractAddress : string // Contract address is '0x7ce77452da809fbc4ef32596cf2be18ec6f252e1884b4eefa4d4349c2941923e'
// aptosClientConfig : object
let opts={};
let aptdomain=new AptDomain(opts);
You can using in Promise:
const test_domain = 'test007.apt';
const test_address = '0xfee337d85041f23e4ce1964128034c67ccfe51de731aa331a8f1fa2abf51ac3d';
let { address } = await aptdomain.lookup( test_domain);
console.log( `${test_domain} => ${address}` );
let { domain } = await aptdomain.reverse( test_address );
console.log( `${test_address} => ${domain}` );
let record = await aptdomain.getDomainRecord(test_domain);
console.log( `${test_domain} => ${JSON.stringify(record,null,' ')}` );
Or you can using at Callback:
console.log( `${test_domain} => ${address}` );
console.log( `${test_address} => ${domain}` );
console.log( `${test_domain} => ${JSON.stringify(record,null,' ')}` );
Create a object of domain, get more formated data.
Here is the sample:
let domainObj = await aptdomain.getDomainObj('test007.apt');
console.log("domainObj.address(): ", domainObj.address());
console.log("domainObj.avatar(): ", domainObj.avatar());
console.log("domainObj.url(): ", domainObj.url());
console.log(" ",;
console.log("domainObj.discord(): ", domainObj.discord());
console.log("domainObj.github(): ", domainObj.github());
console.log("domainObj.reddit(): ", domainObj.reddit());
console.log("domainObj.twitter(): ", domainObj.twitter());
console.log("domainObj.telegram(): ", domainObj.telegram());
console.log("domainObj.record('APT'): ", domainObj.record('APT'));
console.log("domainObj.record('ETH'): ", domainObj.record('ETH'));
console.log("domainObj.record('BTC'): ", domainObj.record('BTC'));
console.log("domainObj.record('Solana'): ", domainObj.record('Solana'));
Also you can check the examples to quickstart.