- Setup bot account (https://api.slack.com/bot-users)
- Create API token (https://get.slack.help/hc/en-us/articles/215770388-Creating-and-regenerating-API-tokens)
- Add token id to settings.json
- Add bot username to settings.json (id will be automatically detected)
- Add bot to a channel by inviting it once you authorize the bot for your slack group.
- run: pip install slackclient
- Create quotes.json file (See quotes.json_example, each line is it's own JSON object, not a global list)
python qotd.py
@botname: help
@botname: quote
or a message contains "lol", print out a random quote. Add bot to a channel by inviting it once you authorize the bot for your slack group.
- python
- slackclient (https://github.com/slackhq/python-slackclient)
- @mightypenguin
- @marcinpohl