Taoapi GraphQL is a GraphQL API for the Tao Te Ching which is a classical chinese text on philosophy written around 400 BC by Laozi, very useful for people of all times. In a general tend it deals with the ideas of action without intention, naturalness, simplicity, spontaneity, compassion, frugality and humility.
This repoistory can be cloned.
The dependencies can be installed and a development server started, through these commands.
$ yan
$ yarn dev
Everything should work as expected. You may be seeing a message in your terminal with the following URL.
The API is now available and you can access a GraphQL playground to read over the API schema and test out some queries.
query {
book {
content {
Some queries.
query {
chapter(number: "1") {
content {
GraphQL Code Generator generates TypeScript types for your GraphQL API's resolvers.
After modifying the schema, simply type the following command.
$ yarn generate