cliFuel is a command line fuel price finder for Italy
This program is based on open data published every day by Ministero Dello Sviluppo Economico. The database URL is:
- Simple search
$ ./cliFuel -q roma -s
- Search for best price
$ ./cliFuel -q roma
or use list notation
$ ./cliFuel -q list:roma,milano,trieste
it is also possible to search for a particular petrol station by its ID
$ ./cliFuel -q id:3000
or by province
$ ./cliFuel -q prov:RM
for other usage tips, use the -h command
$ ./cliFuel -h
It is possible to receive cliFuel elaborations on your email using the Docker container which can be created as follows
$ docker build -t clifuel --build-arg ARG_ACCOUNT_GMAIL_TO=<your user> \
--build-arg ARG_ACCOUNT_GMAIL_USER=<your user> \
--build-arg ARG_ACCOUNT_GMAIL_PASSWORD=<your password> --progress=plain .
$ docker run --name clifuel --rm clifuel -q <your place>
This application is Free Software: You can use, study share and improve it at your will. Specifically you can redistribute and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.