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Date:   September 20, 2015

COMP 512: Distributed Systems
School of Computer Science
McGill University

A Distributed System in Java using Web Services.
Adapted from CSE 593, University of Washington.


Project Structure:

 + build                          generated by ant
   + classes                        generated code and compiled classes
   + war                            deployable web service

 + etc                            configuration
   - server.policy                  server security policy
   - sun-jaxws.xml                  service endpoint mapping
   - web.xml                        service deployment settings

 + lib                            jar libraries

 + src                            source code
   + client                         client code
     -                    client CLI
     -                  web service proxy wrapper
   + server                         server code
     + ws                             web service
       -                      embedded Tomcat launcher
       -           resource manager API
     -       resource manager implementation
     - *.java
 + webapps                        generated by ant
   + rm                             deployed web service

 - build.xml                      ant build configuration
 - README.txt                     this file

Ant Targets:

 - clean                          deletes directories: build and webapps
 - setup                          creates directories: build and webapps
 - build-server                   processes annotations and compiles server code
 - create-war                     creates deployable web service
 - deploy-war                     deploys war to webapps directory
 - start-tomcat                   launches embedded Tomcat
 - server                         does all of the above
 - generate-client                generates proxy classes from web service wsdl
 - build-client                   compiles client code
 - client                         does both of the above

Ant Properties:

 - ${}                name of web service (default: rm)
 - ${}                hostname/IP of server (default: localhost)
 - ${service.port}                web service port binding (default: 8080)
Note that you may either modify these properties directly within build.xml, 
or specify any of them when launching ant from the command line (as below).



1. Build and launch your service on the server machine:

   [userx][lab1-1][proj1]  ant server -Dservice.port=8081

   Make sure you use a unique port number to avoid port conflicts with other 
   groups that may be running their services on the same machine in the lab.
   You may use your group number as a prefix. For example:
     Group 1: 1081; Group 8: 8081; Group 10: 10081; Group 18: 18081
2. Build and launch your client on the client machine:

   [userx][lab1-2][proj1]  ant client -Dservice.port=8081 
   Make sure you specify the hostname/IP of the server and the port from step 1.
3. Run some test commands on the client:

     [java] Client Interface
     [java] Type "help" for list of supported commands
     [java] Adding a new Flight using id: 1
     [java] Flight number: 1
     [java] Add Flight Seats: 1
     [java] Set Flight Price: 1
     [java] Flight added
     [java] Querying a flight using id: 1
     [java] Flight number: 1
     [java] Number of seats available: 1

   If it works, you will see corresponding log messages on the server:
     [java] http-nio-8080-exec-1 INFO: RM::addFlight(1, 1, $1, 1) called.
     [java] http-nio-8080-exec-1 INFO: RM::addFlight(1, 1, $1, 1) OK.
     [java] http-nio-8080-exec-1 INFO: RM::queryNum(1, flight-1) called.
     [java] http-nio-8080-exec-1 INFO: RM::queryNum(1, flight-1) OK: 1


Travel Reservation System simulation






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