🔭 I’m currently working on Kokku as an Engineering Manager
📖 I’m an Academic Teacher for Computer Science classes
📚 I have a master degree on Computer Engineering, and my current studies invoves Machine Learning, Big Data, Computer Vision and Microservices
⚡ Fun fact: I LOVE Pokémon
| NParty | A community/hub for players to connect and interact |
| Subarashow | Podcast about japanese pop culture |
| Streamow | Gaming clips from differnte sources, grouped in a easy interface application, also being published automatically to Twitter. |
| Gamersario | Discover video-games anniversary. Filter by platform and popularity. Automatically published to Twitter. |
| Animersario | Discover anime characters anniversary. Filter by popularity. Automatically published to Twitter. |
| Equatle | Find the math expression in 5 turns based on the result. |