Verhaeg.IoT.Processor has three purposes:
- Wrapping Serilog for re-use (Log.cs).
- Thread-safe management of a queue: QueueManager.cs is an abstract thread-safe singleton queue in which objects can be written and processed.
- Thread-safe management of a task: TaskManager is an abstract thread-safe singleton task.
Serilog.ILogger l = Processor.Log.CreateLog("Name of logfile");
Don't forget to configure the MinimumLevel for Serilog in the appsettings.json file of your project:
"Serilog": {
"Using": [ "Serilog.Sinks.File" ],
"MinimumLevel": "Debug"
This is an abstract class that needs to be inherited. You can use the Instance() method
Processor.TaskManager.Instance(); // Starts a thread including log file.
Processor.QueueManager.Instance().Write(object); // Writes an object into the queue. Process(object o); method is started to process object.