This was my first ever python project. I barely know python, I diden't know about enviroment variables. I diden't know how to properly structure code. basically....I knew nothing. I learnt about python a few years back when I was in college. I had a great time making this project and felt proud that it was being used in a few Discord servers. I've learnt.
Yes I know what you're thinking when you go through the code "OMFG this guy can't code" or "Why tf is this guy doing this instead of doing this". Remember... This is my first ever project and I knew it was going to be bad.
To all the noobs that are new to python just like me. Please don't take notes from this.
Who knows, maybe i'll come back in the future and make a better version but until now, this project is now dead.
Pencord was a badly written Discord bot that used other open source projects to do Open-source intelligence on websites and servers and also it had some other fun features.
Go ahead and do whatever you want with this github repo. Would love to see what projects you make out of this.