MSAdmin is the Django/Python Authoring environment for adminstering Mathspring and creating math content for it.
The project is best developed in the Intellij IDEA IDE and upon cloning should be very easy to set up.
Make sure you have a Python 3 SDK on your machine including pip. sudo apt-get install python3-pip
Install virtualenv
sudo pip3 install virtualenv
Clone the repo by doing something like:
git clone
The msadmin directory it creates will the sources for MS Admin.
install the python libmysql-client
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev
(optional) install django
pip3 install -U Django
In the directory that contains msadmin dir create a virtualenv
> virtualenv -p python3 dj2mysqlenv
> source myenv/bin/activate
(dj2mysqlenv) pip3 install mysqlclient
(dj2mysqlenv) pip3 install -U Django
(dj2mysqlenv) deactivate
- Intellij:
File | Settings | Plug-ins . Browse Jetbrains plug-ins and install Python and whatever it depends on.
Restart Idea
File | Project Structure | SDKs | +
Install a Python SDK System Interpreter from the location where Python lives (usr/bin/python3.5)
-Install the Python virtualenv created in step 4.
File | Project Structure | SDKs | +
- Select Virtualenv environment / Existing environment
- Navigate to dir/dj2mysqlenv/bin/python3.5
- Now set the Project SDK to point to this virtualenv
- File | Project Structure | Project | Project SDK
Note that file msadminsite/ is missing because it contains usernames and passwords that configure the system. Request a copy from me @marshall62.
Run | Edit Configurations. Select Run Django-2 login page. It may pop up a dialog. Make sure it is using the correct python environment (Use the specified python interpreter within your virtualenv) It should then load the browser with the main page of the MSAdmin site.
You may need to do some django db work to create a superuser so that you can login to the MSAdmin tool and administer the database using django.