Backup for coding exercise files. Some of these codes arent mine, you may check at the head lines of the codes.
I also write summaries about several fundamental topics in SUMMARY.MD. I write it for interview preparations, or just have spare time and decided to learn more ehehehe.
Mostly C++, but also use Javascript (Nodejs), Golang and Python as some concepts (data structure, STL) may implemented differently in each language.
- Having gcc and g++ installed (c++14 better), along with build-essentials
- Shell
PS: Since currently my workspace is on mac, I don't have
header. It would be easier to use that header as the intention of this repo is to exercise on coding essential skills despite of its ineficiency.
├── Algorithms # Basic algorithms (Sorting, Greedy, DP, Recursive, etc)
├── Advances # Solutions designed for extra & specific requirements (time, memory, or input/output constraints)
├── Data Structure # Basic data structures
├── Hackerrank # Pretty explanatory
├── Interviews # Some coding tests source code
├── Scrambles # Folder to put things that doesnt belongs anywhere
├── SPOJ # Pretty clear...
├── checker # executable to check solution with given input and output file. Explained in separate section
Header of the file includes this following comment:
* Algorithms / Hackerrank # Section name
* Queue / Mountain Climbing # Problem Name
* # URL, if any
* Notes: Lorem ipsum # Notes, if any
Some of them may not include this, gonna fix it shortly