CNF encoding algorithms for arithmetical operations. Written in Haskell, with small parts in C++.
The (english) master thesis is available for download.
All rights reserved. For usage permission, please contact: martin (at) martin (dash) finke (dot) de.
All dependencies can be installed by running:
cabal install --only-dependencies --enable-tests
The C++ library is located in the qmc-cpp directory and must be compiled to a library separately using the supplied Makefile. When running GHCi, the library must be linked dynamically. This can be done by running:
make ghci
The Haskell modules are:
: Formulas for arithmetical operations, based on both circuits and truth tables.ArithmeticsModular
: Functions to chain two existing addition formulas to create an addition formula with a higher bit width.Assignment
: Assignment data type and fundamental operations on it.CalculatedFormulas
: The CNFs that were calculated.EspressoInterface
: Interface to the ESPRESSO heuristic logic minimizer.Formula
: Formula data type and fundamental operations on it.LimpCBCInterface
: Interface to the Coin-or branch and cut (CBC) linear integer solver. Used to find a minimum subset of primes.MinimizeFormula
: High-level functions to find equivalent and equisatisfiable CNFs for a given formula.ModifiedQmc
: Modified Quine-McCluskey algorithm to find the set of non-redundant candidate clauses.NormalForm
: Conversion of formulas to conjunctive normal form.ParseCnf
: Parser to read a CNF from a string.QmcCpp
: Interface to the Quine-McCluskey C++ library.QmcTypes
: Fundamental types and operations related to the Quine-McCluskey algorithm.SatchmoInterface
: Finds the minimum subset of primes using Satchmo and MiniSat.SatchmoOutput
: Generates a Haskell module to be used with the con-test software, using minimized CNFs from theCalculatedFormulas
: Helper functions for the semantic method.TruthBasedApprox
: Random approximate semantic method.TruthBasedCore
: Semantic method, including removal of redundant clauses.TruthBasedGenetic
: Genetic semantic method.TruthBasedNaive
: Naive combinatorial implementation.TruthTable
: Truth table data type and fundamental operations on it.Tseitin
: Implementation of the Tseitin transform.TseitinSelect
: Functions for finding the set of sub-formulas in a formula.Variable
: Boolean variable data type.WorthExtraVariables
: Iterate over all Boolean functions with a given number of variables to see if adding an extra variable reduces CNF size.
A suite of 350 test cases can be run by executing:
cabal test
The following examples should serve as an overview of the functionality. They can be run in GHCi.
Creating arithmetical formulas with a bit width and overflow mode:
nBitAddition Forbid 2
nBitMultiplication DontCare 3
greaterThan 3
greaterThanEq 2
Pretty-printing a formula:
Formula.prettyPrint $ nBitAddition Forbid 4
Converting to conjunctive normal form:
toCanonicalCnf $ nBitAddition Forbid 2
Finding a minimal equivalent CNF:
minimizeFormula $ nBitMultiplication Forbid 2
Finding an equisatisfiable CNF with one extra variable using the syntactic method:
minimizeStructural 1 $ greaterThan 3
Using the semantic method:
minimizeTruthBased 1 $ nBitAddition Forbid 2 -- exact
minimizeGenetic 1 $ nBitAddition Forbid 2 -- genetic
Performing the Tseitin transform:
fullTseitin $ nBitAddition Forbid 5
Getting the smallest calculated CNF for an operation:
getBest Add 4 -- or Mul, GreaterThan, GreaterThanEq
Showing the size of a CNF:
fmap getStats $ getBest Mul 5
Showing the set of sub-formulas in a formula:
possibleReplacements $ greaterThan 2
Creating modules for the con-test software (the con-test folder must be in the parent folder of where GHCi is run):
let bitWidths = [1..5]
outputNoExtra bitWidths -- smallest equivalent CNFs
outputBest bitWidths -- smallest equisatisfiable CNFs
This will create the files OptNatNoExtra.hs and OptNatBest.hs in the con-test folder.