First aid for psychological issues - Official mobile app for
Original Qt version:
- targeted platforms: iOS, Android
- Flutter version: 3.7.x
- code style: 100 characters per line
- state management: Provider
- routing: GoRouter
- data persistence: sembast (NoSQL)
We are committing generated files (.g.dart, .freezed.dart) to VCS to save time in Continuous Integration.
flutter_gen package let's us quickly generate paths for images/icons.
To add a new asset, add it to ./assets/
and then run flutter packages pub run build_runner build -d
If you are creating a new assets folder, do not forget to reference it in pubspec.yaml
We are using Localazy for managing app localizations.
The prerequisites for running the localization update script are:
- Python SDK
- Python dependency
:pip install stringcase
- Localazy CLI (run
npm install -g @localazy/cli
or see Installation page for other options)
After that you can simply run the script located in ./bin/localazy/
Contacts & help data are generated from Dart objects for easier maintainability. These data are then converted and
shipped within the app as JSON which is located in the ./assets/contacts/
folder. The whole contacts & help UI in
the app is controlled by the content of this JSON file.
The prerequisites for updating and regenerating these data is:
- Dart SDK
The source of these data are managed by nepanikar_contacts_gen
Dart package, source data are located
in ./packages/nepanikar_contacts_gen/bin/translation_extra_files/{language_tag}.dart
Make there the necessary changes then simply run the script located in ./bin/nepanikar_contacts_gen
to regenerate the JSON file.
flutter packages pub run build_runner build -d
- regenerate go_route/freezed/assets filesflutter pub run build_runner watch -d
- watch and generate automatically changes when files are changedflutter gen-l10n
- recompile .arb language filesflutter pub run flutter_native_splash:create
- regenerate splash screen
We thank these tools and services for making better developer experience: