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Version 1.6.0
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augustohassel committed Apr 30, 2020
1 parent 5cb9f8e commit 2926f33
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Showing 29 changed files with 418 additions and 132 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion DESCRIPTION
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
Package: rRofex
Type: Package
Title: Interface to ROFEX APIs
Version: 1.5.2
Version: 1.6.0
Authors@R: c(person("Augusto", "Hassel", role = c("aut", "cre"), email = "[email protected]"))
Description: Provides a convenient wrapper for consuming data from ROFEX APIs: Trading API, Risk API and BackOffice API.
License: MIT
Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions NAMESPACE
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ export(base_url)
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions
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@@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
## rRofex 1.6.0

### Changes

* New method `trading_account_report()` to request information about your trading account.

## rRofex 1.5.0

### Changes
Expand Down
229 changes: 135 additions & 94 deletions R/functions.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
#' @export trading_orders
#' @export trading_cancel_order
#' @export trading_account
#' @export trading_account_report


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -875,98 +876,138 @@ trading_account <- function(connection, account, detailed = FALSE) {
#' @return If correct, it will load a tibble.
#' @note
#' To access nested data is strongly recommended the use of `pluck`.
#' @family account functions
# trading_account_report <- function(connection, account) {
# if (missing(connection)) stop("Connection cannot be empty.")
# if (!isS4(connection) || rev(class(connection)) != "rRofexConnection" || !validObject(connection)) stop("The 'connection' must be a valid 'rRofexConnection'.")
# if (as.Date(connection@login_date_time) != Sys.Date()) stop("The 'acyRsaConnection' is no longer valid. Please log-in again.")
# if (missing(account)) stop("'account' parameter cannot be empty.")
# # Query
# query <- GET(url = glue(connection@base_url, "/rest/risk/accountReport/{account}"),
# add_headers(.headers = c("X-Auth-Token" = connection@token)))
# if (status_code(query) != 200) {
# warn_for_status(query)
# message("\r")
# data <- NULL
# } else {
# data <- fromJSON(toJSON(content(query), auto_unbox = T, null = "null"))
# data <- if (length(data$accountData)) {
# data$accountData %>%
# t() %>%
# as_tibble() %>%
# mutate_if(., .predicate = ~ class(.) == 'list', .funs = ~ replace_na(data = ., replace = NA)) %>%
# mutate_if(., .predicate = ~ length(unlist(.)) == 1, .funs = ~ unlist(x = ., recursive = F)) %>%
# mutate_at(.tbl = ., .vars = vars(matches("detailedAccountReports")), .funs = ~ list(
# unlist(x = ., recursive = F) %>%
# as_tibble() %>%
# pivot_longer(cols = everything(), names_to = "Term", values_to = "values") %>%
# mutate(
# Term = as.integer(Term),
# Names = unlist(attributes(values))
# ) %>%
# pivot_wider(data = ., values_from = values, names_from = Names) %>%
# mutate(
# settlementDate = as.POSIXct(unlist(settlementDate)/1000, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "America/Buenos_Aires")
# )
# )) %>%
# select(detailedAccountReports) %>%
# pluck(1)
# test
# pija <- test[[1]] %>%
# mutate(
# currencyBalance = map(currencyBalance, .f = ~ unlist(., recursive = F) %>% as_tibble())
# )
# pija$currencyBalance[[1]] %>%
# mutate(
# currencyBalance = map(currencyBalance, .f = ~ purrr::flatten(.) %>% as_tibble())
# ) #%>%
# mutate(
# currencyBalance = modify_depth(currencyBalance, .depth = 1, .f = ~ unnest(.))
# )
# list(unlist(. %>% pluck(1), recursive = F) %>% purrr::map_df(., .f = ~ pluck(.) %>% as_tibble())
# mutate_if(., .predicate = ~ class(.[[1]]) == 'list', .funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = ., .depth = 1, ~ replace_na(data = ., replace = NA_real_)))
# t() %>%
# as_tibble() %>%
# mutate_if(., .predicate = ~ length(unlist(.)) == 1, .funs = ~ unlist(x = ., recursive = F)) %>%
# mutate_if(., .predicate = ~ any(map(.[[1]], .f = ~ length(.)) > 1), .funs = ~ list(unlist(.[[1]], recursive = F))) %>%
# mutate(report = list(unlist(report, recursive = F) %>% purrr::map_df(., .f = ~ pluck(., "detailedPositions")) %>% as_tibble())) %>%
# mutate(lastCalculation = as.POSIXct(lastCalculation/1000, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "America/Buenos_Aires")) %>%
# mutate_at(.tbl = ., .vars = vars(matches("report")), .funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = ., .depth = 1, ~ mutate_at(.tbl = ., .vars = vars(matches("date")), .funs = ~ as.POSIXct(./1000, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "America/Buenos_Aires"))))
# } else {
# message("No data available at the moment...")
# }
# }
# return(data)
# }
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' data %>% pluck("detailedAccountReports", 1, "availableToOperate", 1, "cash")
#' }
trading_account_report <- function(connection, account) {

if (missing(connection)) stop("Connection cannot be empty.")
if (!isS4(connection) || rev(class(connection)) != "rRofexConnection" || !validObject(connection)) stop("The 'connection' must be a valid 'rRofexConnection'.")
if (as.Date(connection@login_date_time) != Sys.Date()) stop("The 'acyRsaConnection' is no longer valid. Please log-in again.")

if (missing(account)) stop("'account' parameter cannot be empty.")

# Query
query <- GET(url = glue(connection@base_url, "/rest/risk/accountReport/{account}"),
add_headers(.headers = c("X-Auth-Token" = connection@token)))

if (status_code(query) != 200) {

data <- NULL

} else {

data <- fromJSON(toJSON(content(query), auto_unbox = T, null = "null"), simplifyDataFrame = T)

data <- if (length(data$accountData)) {

data <- data$accountData %>%
replace_na(data = ., replace = NA) %>%
t() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = ., .vars = vars(matches("detailedAccountReports")), .funs = ~ modify_depth(., .depth = 3, ~ replace_na(., replace = NA))) %>%
mutate_if(.tbl = ., .predicate = ~ length(unlist(.)) == 1, .funs = ~ unlist(x = ., recursive = F))

data <- if (data$detailedAccountReports[[1]] %>% length() > 1) {
data %>%
mutate(detailedAccountReports = list(
select(.data = ., detailedAccountReports) %>%
unlist() %>%
enframe() %>%
separate(data = ., col = name, into = c(glue("X{1:", .$name %>% strsplit(x = ., split = "\\.") %>% map_int(., length) %>% max, "}")), sep = "\\.", fill = "right") %>%
select(-X1) %>%
rename(Term = X2) %>%
mutate(Term = as.integer(Term)) %>%
split(x = .,f = .$X3) %>%
t() %>%
as_tibble() %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = .,
.vars = vars(matches("settlementDate")),
.funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = .,
.depth = 1,
.f = ~ select(., Term, value) %>%
rename(settlementDate = value) %>%
mutate(settlementDate = as.POSIXct(unlist(settlementDate)/1000, origin = "1970-01-01", tz = "America/Buenos_Aires"))
) %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = .,
.vars = vars(matches("availableToOperate")),
.funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = .,
.depth = 1,
.f = ~ split(x = ., .$X4) %>%
t() %>%
as_tibble(.) %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = .,
.vars = vars(matches("cash", = F)),
.funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = .,
.depth = 1,
.f = ~ select(., Term, X5, X6, value) %>%
pivot_wider(data = ., names_from = c(X5, X6), values_from = value) %>%
rename_all(.tbl = ., .funs = ~ gsub(pattern = "_NA|detailedCash_", replacement = "", x = .)) %>%
rename_all(.tbl = ., .funs = ~ gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", x = .))
)) %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = .,
.vars = vars(matches("movements", = F)),
.funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = .,
.depth = 1,
.f = ~ select(., Term, value) %>%
rename(Movements = value)
)) %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = .,
.vars = vars(matches("credit", = F)),
.funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = .,
.depth = 1,
.f = ~ select(., Term, value) %>%
rename(Credit = value) %>%
mutate(Credit = replace_na(Credit, 0))
)) %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = .,
.vars = vars(matches("total", = F)),
.funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = .,
.depth = 1,
.f = ~ select(., Term, value) %>%
rename(Total = value)
)) %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = .,
.vars = vars(matches("pendingMovements", = F)),
.funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = .,
.depth = 1,
.f = ~ select(., Term, value) %>%
rename(PendingMovements = value)

) %>%
mutate_at(.tbl = .,
.vars = vars(matches("currencyBalance")),
.funs = ~ modify_depth(.x = .,
.depth = 1,
.f = ~ select(., Term, X5, X6, value) %>%
pivot_wider(data = ., names_from = X5, values_from = value) %>%
rename(Type = X6) %>%
rename_all(.tbl = ., .funs = ~ gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "_", x = .))
} else {
message("No complete data available at the moment...")

} else {
message("No data available at the moment...")


1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions _pkgdown.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -32,3 +32,4 @@ reference:
- title: Account Information
- contents:
- trading_account
- trading_account_report
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/404.html

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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/CODE_OF_CONDUCT.html

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/LICENSE-text.html

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/authors.html

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.

2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/index.html

Some generated files are not rendered by default. Learn more about how customized files appear on GitHub.


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