A fully responsive React application built with React consuming the public PokéApi.
Demo • Libs • Functionalities • Getting Started
Key Libs used in this React project are:
Lib | Description |
React | A JavaScript library for building user interfaces. |
Bootstrap | The most popular front-end framework Rebuilt for React. |
Router Dom | The React Router Dom is a complete lib for route control. |
Axios | Promise based HTTP client for the browser and node.js |
Home (/) - List pokemons, filter with base in name or number, has pagination.
Details (/details) - Shows details (height, weight, abilities, stats, evolution etc...) about a specific pokemon.
Clone this repo
git clone https://github.com/matheusmhq/pokedex-react-js.git cd pokedex-react-js
Install all dependencies
yarn install or npm install
Now run yarn start or npm start
Open your browser at
Happy hacking! 😀😀😀