Simple example for cocotb with cocotb-test
Install miniconda for your user from here:
I recommend to install it to a location such as ~/.python-miniconda and say yes to install as a default python distribution (modifies ~/.bashrc)
This is also possible when the pthon3 version is reasonably recent (>= 3.7 should work)
try with:
python --version
python3 --version
If your default python is python2, all following commands need to append the 3, like python3
, pip3
, pytest3/pytest-3
Some of that dependencies might be unnecessary for this project, but are very practical for later
pip install coloredlogs numpy tqdm PyYAML pyzmq pytest cocotb cocotb-test
sudo yum install python36-pytest
#sudo yum search pytest # if package is not available
One simulator is sufficient, xcelium or icarus/iverilog will work. Personally I use both for different purposes
Do not try the iverilog version from the centos7 repo, this version is too old. You will need v11
iverilog website:
To test the setup:
cd tests
SIM=xcelium pytest # for xcelium
SIM=icarus pytest # for icarus
This should show something like:
================================= test session starts =================================
platform linux -- Python 3.8.10, pytest-4.6.9, py-1.8.1, pluggy-0.13.0
rootdir: /mnt/Daten/Nosync/Schule/cocotb-test-examples
plugins: forked-1.4.0, xdist-2.5.0, cocotb-test-0.2.1
collected 30 items
tests/unit/ ............... [ 50%]
tests/unit/ ............... [100%]
============================= 30 passed in 30.93 seconds ==============================