A CLI-Tool to test OPC functions.
Based on the native Go library: https://github.com/gopcua/opcua
Test the fist version under: https://github.com/maxi613/OPCUA_CLI/tags
To start with testing some functions you have to register first a connection. You can do this by entering the following code in the command line:
cli-tool connect -u opc.tcp://
If it was succesfull you will get a message back.
So far it is only possible to write an variable with the type of integer.
Use the subcommand write
with the flag -n
to tell the Node-ID and -v
to enter the value.
If the operation was successful you will get back the statuscode 0x0
cli-tool write -n "ns=4;i=7" -v 2
It is possible to read all type of varliables.
You only have to specify the Node-ID with the flag -n
cli-tool read -n "ns=4;i=7"
With a subscribtion is possible to monitor all kind of variables. Enter subscribe
as subcommand with the flag -n
to specify again the Node-ID and with the flag -i
you can enter an monitor interval.
The standard value for interval is 1000. The unit is in milliseconds.
cli-tool subscribe -n "ns=4;i=7" -i 10
Feature | Stauts |
Read | X |
Write | X |
Subscribtion | X |
Call Functions | Planned |
Browse Nodes | Planned |
Browse Endpoints | Planned |